
Novidade! Why did Aleksander Tiedemann change his name 2023? | aleksander tiedemann

He first came to Winden in 1986 after apparently being on the run and was revealed to be a man called Boris Niewald. In a bid to throw off suspicion, he changed his name to Aleksander and appeared to take on someone else’s identity.

Who are the parents of Boris niewald?

Hannah Kahnwald.Jonas Kahnwald.

Who is the child of Hannah and Egon?

Silja was conceived as the illegitimate daughter of Egon Tiedemann and Hannah Kahnwald in 1954. Her mother initially sought to abort her, but she decided to keep the pregnancy at the last minute. Hannah decides she needs no one and travels back to 1987, and later gives birth to Silja in 1988.

Who was Boris niewald?

Aleksander Tiedemann (previously Aleksander Köhler, originally Boris Niewald) is the director of the Winden Nuclear Power Plant. He is married to Regina, with whom he has a son, Bartosz.

Who is husband of Claudia Tiedemann?

She was born in the 1940s to police officer Egon Tiedemann and his wife Doris and was the mother of Regina. She never married but had affairs with Tronte Nielsen and Bernd Doppler.

Who is Agnes Nielsen husband?

At some point, Agnes leaves Winden. She meets and marries the Unknown, the nameless son of Jonas Kahnwald and the alternate Martha Nielsen, with whom she has her son Tronte in 1941.

Who is Egon Tiedemann father?

Egon returns home and picks up the file of Michael Kahnwald. He finds a transcript of an interview in which the boy claimed his father was Ulrich Nielsen.

Who is Regina Tiedemann father?

Regina Tiedemann is the daughter of Claudia Tiedemann and Bernd Doppler and the owner of the troubled Waldhotel Winden in the town of Winden. She is married to Aleksander Tiedemann, with whom she has a son, Bartosz Tiedemann.

Who is Helge’s father in Dark?

Helge was born in 1944 to Greta Doppler. Although he would be raised by Greta’s husband Bernd Doppler, Helge’s biological father was in fact a man named Anatol Veliev.

Who is Helge Doppler wife?

At some point he engaged in a relationship with a woman named Ulla Schmidt. Little is known of this relationship in either world, but it produced a son, Peter. Peter comes to live with Helge in 1987 following his mother’s death (and Helge’s bludgeoning at the Doppler cabin).

Who is Hannah’s mother in Dark?

Hannah was born on 1972 in Winden to Sebastian Krüger. Her mother is not mentioned. She attended high school and befriended the rebellious Ulrich Nielsen, and a jock named Katharina Albers.

How did Silja get her scar?

From a young age, Silja was shown to have a scar on her face and it wasn’t obvious how she had got. The scar may have either been a birthmark or something resulting from an accident. Either way, fans remained in the dark about why she had this distinctive marking on her face.

Why did Hannah marry Mikkel?

Wöller mentions that no one understood why she married Michael since she was a beautiful woman who could have had anyone. Yes, we know she’s a terrible human being, but anyways lots of men could have fallen for her before realizing how terrible she was.

Who is Silja?

Silja was the daughter of Hannah Kahnwald (Maja Schöne) and Egon Tiedemann (Sebastian Hülk) – a product of their illicit affair after Jonas’ mother went back in time. This means, Silja is technically Bartosz’s great-aunt with the pair being blood-related as well as his wife.

Who gave Clausen the letter Dark?

Actually the son of Jonas and Martha ( regarded as unknown and we see him in the trio) sent that letter as we know that the same words which were written on that letter , were spoken by the trio when he was murdering Tanhaus when he was going to disclose about the travelers to the public , it is shown in the first or

Who is Benni in Dark?

Dark (TV Series 2017–2020) – Anton Rubtsov as Benni, Bernadette, Transvestite Benni – IMDb.


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