"THESE ARE ANCAP ARGUMENTS!" | Reacting to Demon Mama Vaush Debate Reflection

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Rose Wrist | The Demon Mama Guide to Answering Questions | Vaush Debate: https://youtu.be/sGUim80xI-8

Rose Wrist | “YOU’RE A BAD FAITH DEBATE BRO” | Debating Demon Mama on Mandatory Schooling and Capitalism: https://youtu.be/I5PC-sjDLbI

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Edited by: https://twitter.com/marginidominus
Thumbnails by: https://antyzer.github.io/


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41 Comentários

  1. I unironically thing she is just an idiot. Same level as Dave Rubin. She is just a confident idiot.

  2. Most designer drugs are either old pharmaceutical drugs that were never studied or completely novel substances. I don’t know how you can have proper safety with a drug that’s never been studied on humans. Why would I care about the purity of drugs that would give me a stroke? They can have 99% purity and still kill your ass.

  3. In an anarchist paradise, you would be able to have full control of your body because you’ll have to perform open heart surgery on yourself!

  4. I mean I’ll defend Demon Mama. I extracted DMT from Acacia tree bark myself and it was the best quality I’ve ever had. I did take proper precautions though and I didn’t give it to anyone other than myself.

  5. DM is about the same age as me I think, maybe she's just not been smoking weed for long and doesn't know much about the broader production and distribution… but you'd think she'd know about the extremely common health concerns with contaminated weed…. mold and fungus tainted weed are not unusual concerns for your average weed smoker. To reliably avoid these things requires substantial additional investment in time and capital (safe handling and clean drying room mostly) – and if you don't do any of this… you can still sell it for the same price, and people WILL buy it. This is something so obviously that could only be solved by forcing the companies to actually do it, and enforce it by testing their batches. There's no common interest between growers, their common interest would be to ignore it and let everyone enjoy better margins – it would have to be a third party.

  6. 46:00 Keep in mind the US was super quick with vaccine rollout, however you have a large portion of the population that refuses to take it.

  7. The more she talks about anarchism the less and less appealing and more horrifically dystopian it sounds. I have anti-state sympathies but this is ridiculous.

  8. We just cannot base policy on things like complete outlier people who literally have no access to pharmaceuticals under the current system. At least not this extremist anarchist bullshit policy, just DESTROY a massive human accomplishment that does amazing things and just build replacements for free. you can absolutely craft policy to make sure those people get access to things but jfc. She’s so clueless man.

  9. I love the idea that Doe and DemonMama were reading up on supply chains after that tweet thread. They have to research theory to understand something that everyone already knew lmao

  10. Yeah sure, let's all go take umbrage with dealers peddling illegal drugs, that will never go badly

  11. I used to like watching demon mama but she dug her own grave and then said everyone else did it here. Disappointing

  12. Anyone who wears this style of glasses always gives really fucking stupid opinions. It's creed.

  13. To just think ppl wouldn't abuse this is naive… Also you can get free healthcare and food in the US if you are poor, in reality a lot of ppl don't "just die" here, myself included, who would have, and I didn't need something simple. I'm genuine confused I'm sure she knows it exists yet things are "apocalyptic" Sure it could be improved but I feel like she thinks its way worse then it is, if she's genuinely gone to the point that no independent or gov oversights are good? And that the entire way of operating needs recreated completely? And at about 53:30 she literally just described mail to home meds? Lmao that's what she's "BEEN talking about"?? 👌

    You had a lot of good points throughout this 👍

  14. For niche medicne we actually do have less stringet regulations, orphan drugs

  15. I work in a pharmacy and DM saying medications are easy to produce just makes me want to ask her to pronounce half the names of the medications.

  16. 42:00 I mean you do what you can… but yeah… dying in natural disasters is pretty much the norm in all of human history except like right now. I'd rather it not be that way, but I don't understand this hotty attitude about it…

  17. hopefully nobody who is taken seriously ever debates her again or gives attention lmao

  18. Can we just crowdfund her and her worshippers leaving? Just a huge swath of land where they can realize they are all lazy shits that hate each other and will die if they don't get off their slothful giant asses. About three million should do it. And if they ever come back and bother us again, they owe us our donations back! I want her and her piglets to live happily ever after in their commune where we never have to hear from them again because they're too based in their filth to bother any of us ever again.

    I'm sure the world can come together to build her happy hovel!

  19. The Covid take is actually the stupidest thing I've heard in a while.

    America's issues with covid had nothing to do with the availability of covid medications. The vaccine was funded by the state for massive amounts and made widely available faster than anyone predicted at (correct me if I'm wrong) no cost.

    The issue was that people didn't take the vaccine and didn't isolate to reduce the spread but the way the American Supply Chain was unleashed on Covid was highly beneficial.

  20. Can you label the sections of your hour plus long video? I would have stuck around for at least some of this that was interesting but I don't have the time/desire to watch the whole thing.

  21. Dude, even in zombie apocalypse movies, the characters are not creating their own medicines. If a natural disaster happened, it would make more sense to search for medicine that was left behind over learning how to make your own.

  22. I wonder how she will get the ingredients that aren't even possible to acquire in the US or europe. We need global supply chains for modern medicine. It isn't even slightly optional. DM is so unable to act in good faith it's insane.

  23. Are majority white Scandinavian countries the only examples of good safety nets? Seems kinda Eurocentric

  24. I'm sorry but in our current system taking away exclusivity to niche medications from companies that spent millions or billions in rnd to get the exclusivity and tax incentives would mean no new niche medications are created. Her explanation is so infantile, and clearly just a way to dodge the fact she wanted vaush to just be on her side because he's a friend, was furious when he wasn't, and her ego would not allow her to just say "You know I got triggered because it's a topic I'm interested in and the current system sucks and the person I was defending was doe so maybe I got ahead of myself or should have been much more clear about what I actually was advocating for, I'll take the L on the tweet, but here's what I actually think." If that had been what she said she would have came off much better, and wouldn't have to admit now through this explanation how little she actually has thought about the topic and how it would work within the current system. Then to go after vaush on the next drama vaush had, CLEARLY, because of this as she was definitely being bad faith in that is so pathetic and toxic honestly. I can't believe she wants to be apologized to for being called an abuser when she engaged in that retributive behavior.

  25. Instead of bullying DM off the internet for stupid takes, we bully rgr off the internet for good points. The left sucks sometimes