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Who Has The Dark Brotherhood Contract On Them In The Abandoned Shack? – Elder Scrolls Detective

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42 Comentários

  1. One thing is that I don't think it is enough to just kill any random person to pay back Sithis and the Dark Brotherhood to get the contract on you nullified, but that it has to be the one who put the hit on you in the first place, and that you have to kill them yourself in order to be recruited. Otherwise they'd leave their clients hanging and that's just unprofessional (though it seems the Skyrim sect at the time is kinda like that…)

  2. I know this is 2 years old… but I have a few ideas.

    When you kill Astrid and she says well done, it could be because you fulfilled the contract on her.. I say this because she doesn't specifically state that it is a dark brotherhood contract that one of the guests has, it could just be a contract from say the empire.

    As for the contract on yourself and maven not recognizing you, you could have done something to upset her and she didn't know exactly who you were, and thus left it upto the brotherhood to actually find out who you are and then kill you.

  3. Given her reaction, I always assumed she was lying and none of them had a contract on them. Thats why she doesn't care who you pick, there is no circumstance in which she has to worry about you letting someone with a contract on them walk away. It also matches up with her reply that it doesn't matter and the only point was seeing if you were someone who would be willing to kill on command.

  4. I don't really care whos has a contract on their head, only two options for me, kill three of them or kill astrid

  5. Interestingly, if we use a little hindsight, Astrid sold out the Dragonborn (her dark brother) in order to hold on to power. That, surely, is an abominable act in the eyes of Sithis? If she will do that to the Dragonborn, how many people in that past has she done that to? We, obviously, can only speculate but, maybe, in the spiritual world of Nirn Astrid had sealed her own fate and she must have know (or at least suspected) that would be the case. When you play fast and loose with a power like Sithis then maybe you shouldn't be surprised at what your fate would be. She even admitted that when she gave herself up as a sacrifice.

  6. Very interesting video. One thing however – to my recollection, we are caught crossing the border INTO Skyrim, not out of it.

  7. Would you really want to tell the person you hired assassins to kill, who is still alive and has likely fought off said assassins, that you hired people to assassinate them?

  8. So… has anyone tried killing themselves? Since we're the one with a proven assassination contract. Anyone tried? If so, what're the results? (Currently replaying in Survival Mode with timescale set to 2 for full immersion, not yet ready to start this questline.)

  9. It takes 41 and a half minutes to answer that question? Really???
    Does anyone know the timestamp where it's revealed who had the contract on their head? Or is there anyone who can just tell me who had the contract on their head?

  10. I was so op on my first play through that I was able to steal Astrid's dagger. Yes you get another through quest line.

  11. I wish to know, why did we have the Dark Brotherhood contract on our heads? Did the empire put a bounty on our heads for escaping? Did we get in over our heads prior to the game and screwed someone over who wanted revenge? Or did we somehow piss off SYTHIS HIMSELF?! I want this question answered, my fellow theorist.

  12. Hey bud, you missed a HUGE detail about Astrid. She is the one who fucks over the brotherhood later. So the Night Mother was probably aware of this and set the contract herself. More evidence to enforce this is she broke 2 tenets that would get her killed.

  13. Maybe she was the one that was supposed to keep the contract she was the one that was supposed to kill the orphanage runner so when she said who was the contract put out for or something along those lines maybe it's a trick question maybe it's really stating who was the one that was supposed to figure out or kill the orphanage runner

  14. Lokir was headed for Hammerfell (Or at least High Rock) not us. We were entering Skyrim . . . from Cyrodiil.

  15. @Camelworks The way I see it? All three of them have a contract on them. Think about it. Technically if all three of them have a contract on them then one has a contract on them. It is in character for the dark brotherhood to talk using technicalities, half-truths, lies, deceptions, etc.

  16. it's Astrid, if you kill her she compliments the dragon born and Astrid her secondary family dies, because you clearly can see sithis revenge on Astrid, so sithis was the one too hand down the letter to messenger, it also explains how the people find you and reward you for killing the person under the contracts, sithis visits himself to inform the contract has been completed

  17. Astrid: "One person in this room has a contract on their head…"
    Me: brandishes Ebony Blade "and she calls for another life…"

  18. It is in fact, the dragonborn. The thing is. The rules arent "blood must be spilled" it is the contract that must be fulfilled. So if one of them had the contract, the proper one would HAVE to die and it wouldn't be a guess. It was all a simple method of removing the contract off of the dragonborn's head and replacing it with employment. This was way simpler than you made this video out to be lol. An individual cant be assassinated if they are part of the brotherhood. So she was testing if you would kill on command even in a sketchy situation.

  19. When I played Skyrim it wasn't revealed that the dragonborn had a dark brotherhood contract until after you discovered that you're the dragonborn.

  20. That's weird, i tried to kill her but she didn't die and instead went down like a companion would and healed back up to full….is this a bug or something?

  21. 2 years late but may I present a suspect for who put the contract on you? Miraak. The only person who would have the knowledge available to know you are Dragonborn through the Daedra Hermaeus Mora. Once the Dark Brotherhood fails to kill you, his cultists show up to finish the job instead. Albeit I'm nowhere near as well versed in Elder Scrolls lore as many, this was a thought that popped up as I watched your video.

  22. Very good. I enjoyed it immensely. I agree with your conclusions, so a single unimportant point I disagree with is unimportant.