4 BIG Baseball Hitting Misconceptions Youth Coaches Teach (that MLB players DON’T DO!)

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We did it! YouGoProBaseball and Antonelli Baseball finally got together for a collaboration! We shot a total of 17 baseball instructional videos for you! Some will be posted here on my channel and some will be posted on the Antonelli Baseball channel. So be sure to head over to Antonelli Baseball and subscribe. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/user/TouchEmAllBaseball

In this video, Matt Antonelli gives us his take on 4 baseball hitting misconceptions we hear all the time from coaches. He shares his experience as an MLB hitter and tells us what he thinks about getting the foot down early, dropping hands, swinging down on the ball, and flying open in the swing. Please watch this video carefully as there a lot of great pieces of information that Matt provides!

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Blog: https://www.yougoprobaseball.com
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Thanks for watching! Please leave us a comment below and let us know what other baseball hitting tips you’d like to know to be a better hitter this season. We’ll talk to you down below!


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48 Comentários

  1. #4 is way guys in the MLB are getting hit in the face when a pitcher pitches inside. Don't do that one. As a batter you should be smart enough to not cross your body over the plate or open up your side. If a 100mph fastball is in side you ain't getting out of the way. There is more then one reason old timers did the things they did. It wasn't always because it was the bast why, sometimes just the safer way.

  2. It isn’t nearly as important to when the “toe” hit, the important is when the heel hits the ground.

  3. If you're sitting here watching this trying to get better, just know you'd be better off actually hitting balls for 20 minutes rather than watching this video. You know yourself better than anyone. Once you hit a solid line drive to the back of the cage, just try your best to replicate that again. And once you get advanced enough, practice oppo line drives as much as possible. Just think about it, if you've watched 100 hours of mechanics videos, imagine how great your mechanics would be if you actually spent those 100 hours hitting balls instead rather than listening to guys who couldn't even make it pro.

  4. the number 1 thing i hear all the time that drives me nuts is feet shoulder width apart.

  5. Most of this vid is spot on to me.

    The one thing that was never discussed and I think was mentioned is "balance"
    If they're taking a high stride they're generally falling forward and can't control themselves. They don't want to step yet, but they have to because they didn't maintain their balance. So they're foot steps too early and is disconnected from the rest of their motion. So I think that's a key to having success with different types of strides.

  6. As a former college baseball player I have to say you guys are more informative then any of my coaches! Love the detail and Agree that feel and real are always different! QUESTION??? As a former baseball player and now a avid golfer I realize they don't talk about setup as much in baseball as they do in golf. What are your thoughts on proper setup, any key things you make sure players are doing in the setup??? Also my coaches always told us to stay closed and it never made since to me.. thanks for giving my sanity back by explaining that properly!

  7. This video should be played by players, parents and coaches before every season on every level.

  8. I don't like to see hitters drop their hands. Yes players can do it but it's much harder in timing. If you're teaching YOUTH players. I'd rather see them learn NOT to drop their hands.

  9. Really enjoy your content and have used it to correlate to disc golf backhand form, (along with insights from Brent P. And Steve Y.). In the first part of the discussion about foot strike timing, I was surprised it was not explained that the footsteike timing introduces a momentum lag that then creates the whip forward? Center of gravity moving down and forward while bat hand is still moving backward. Would love to hear you go into detail on that. Ted Williams book on batting also talks around it but does not explicitly explain it. Ball golf seems to incorporate discussion of it, though.

  10. Great Video !
    I hate over coaching !
    Use the athleticism of the player to help themselves don’t take it away from them. 😀

  11. My Daughters had a great softball hitting coach , just like you he didn’t mess with how to get there ( but there are tricks to help get there ) the important thing is where you end up. Being aligned & in the right position at the point of contact. 😀

  12. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and defeated death and rose from it three days later spread the gospel I am not forcing you but I don’t want you guys to go to hell please do this

  13. I'm a big fan of getting rid of useless/wasted/extra movements, I love bat speed…quick to the ball, quick out the box.

  14. My boy is 10 and has always been a good contact hitter. Hand eye coord. He keeps his elbows real low at set up so I got to stop telling him to raise em.

  15. Short to the ball, long after the ball. The knob of the bat is key! 1. point the knob to the catcher starting our momentum of our dance with the pitcher =load 2 = point the knob to where the pitch will be (where ever the bat knob points is where the barrel will follow) 3 extend your arms (short to the ball) 4 follow through "going through the baseball" finishing high. (These have been the words of Tony Gwynn and Albert Pujos in teaching hitting. I have heard them say it on you tube "knob of the bat to the baseball" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsZGog9xn5Y that one is Tony Gwynn but I have heard them say it plenty of times. ) They think one way of the way they feel when they swing, yet they are performing in a different manner when they swing.

    Perception is everything when we are disconnected between our body and mind. What we do, what we think, and what we feel are usually different things. Most coaches teach perception of what we are doing.

  16. I just tell them to their hips and shoulders should be square and rotating together in one fluid motion as they rotate on that back foot, giving them full energy and momentum through the swing.

    My hardest thing to get into these younger kids is having them keep their weight on the front of their feet. They always tend to keep their weight on their heels and it throws everything else completely off balance lol.

  17. I saw a guy play that had so much vasoline on his head……i could smell it….but did anyonne say anything….no

  18. Keep your eye on the ball….or your head is gonna go into space…….i know…you ll miss….i know….space

  19. Another misconception ….vasline balls never happen…..vasoline balls happen all the time

  20. Heres a misconception….one batting glove is okay….no it isnt….always wear two batting gloves….or go home

  21. you have some the best videos on youtube. the detailed explanations and matching real physiology with the techniques is great.

  22. The hitting down on the ball thing always confused me. I’ve always thought I was hitting down on the ball and I was getting good results but I wanted more power so I heard you actually want a slight upswing, so my hands dropped and I hit weak ground balls and pop ups.

    I think for some players it’s really hard to control the barrel, but your hands are controllable. They start high so they have to go down first, and the barrel follows but then you finish high and the barrel starts going up and meets the ball.

    A lot of these tips were confusing and I think if a kid is having success with whatever he’s doing, even if it’s “wrong” then no coach should try to change it

  23. I coach 10u and this is very technical which a coach should know about load but you need to translate this to kids so you don’t confuse them. Have the kids do squats for leg strength and focus on their legs and then they will get comfortable with their load so In essence this video is right but translate simpler to kids with good balance and planting feet.

  24. Get your foot down early is cliche but sometimes it is 100 percent legit! If you’re swinging the bat, with the stride,before the foot has hit the ground you’re toast. That’s what they are referring too or at least that’s what I’m referring too. But I also break all that info down. You guys have some good content but do you coach little leaguers? Like I wouldn’t have a kid get their foot down super early but amongst other issues the foot striding forward and landing the same time the bat moves through the zone is a big time killer because their body is already opening up. If I can get them to plant, and the plant trigger the rotation of the body then they typically hit and smash the ball.

    I agree with everything you’re saying but I also think context needs to be given. Don’t teach it but also realize that sometimes kids understand ques differently. As long as it’s being explained like you are the. Those words are ok.

  25. Very young kids who can’t hit the ball benefit from not dropping their hands. Once a player can actually it the ball? Then the hands don’t matter imo.

  26. There was a book I had growing up by Jerry Kindall. Baseball: Play the Winning Way.

    In this book, the author discussed results of fly balls, line drives, and ground balls. Success rate for fly balls was said to be around 24%. 34% for ground balls, and over 40% for line drives. Kindall's logic was something like "if I try to hit the top half of the ball, my odds of success are greatest assuming I make contact."

    Curious if that holds up nowadays.

  27. Antonelli knows his shit. A good Coach gives the objective and let's the player figure the best way to do the job…AND Ted Williams also taught to start below the pitch plane to hit line drives 😉

  28. Agreed on all takes except swinging down on the ball. The best major leaguers swing down on the ball, it creates backspin. They all talk about it, sorry I'm taking Adrian Gonzalez advice in this he had a real successful career, Antonelli not soo much.

  29. Great info….but hands should be high for youngsters….hand speed of a pro compared to a little leaguer isn't comparable with hand speed. Young kids need to keep hands fairly high

  30. When I was younger I was never doubtful of my batting skills and always made it on base literally every time up to bat no joke …….but……then my dad and coaches told me all these diff things and I was so focused on my form that as I got older and older & also as my confidence dissipated, less and less I got a hit or on base to the point that batting became awkward and uncomfortable and hyperfocused on doing my swing properly instead of just feeling natural and keeping my eye on the ball. Honestly I have always just encouraged my son to feel whats natural and watch the pitchers style more or less so my son can readjust in the box for timing instead of changing his natural feelto just eye on ball and swing away u kno…..dnt mess with natural talent it will mess wit ya indefinitely!!!!!