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5 Pro Tips For Price Action Forex Trading

* O link do vídeo está no final desse post.

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29 Comentários

  1. my first experience happens to be a total failure but i never gave up because i knew is going to work out for me by trying continuously, fortunately but now am smiling by getting involved with @Dennis__forex09 at lG.. I TRADED WITH $1000 and i got back $9,000 in five working days, this man has changed many life's including me

  2. i had a good time trading last year till date making up to $357,000 trading forex Thanks to MR MICHEAL who showed me the perfect trading strategy I used to achieve such success He's willing to assist as many traders as possible. Feel free to write him via . michealryann133@gmail .com

  3. Thumbs up bro, really I love your presentation, you are a very good teacher and am very happy for you bro

  4. "if youre waiting for a text book pattern then you are screwed " that bit made me lol'd but true tho

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