
8 Raspberry Pi 3’s With CPU Miner Installed Hooked Up To A 5 Volt 20 AMP Power Supply.

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37 Comentários

  1. Very economical setup but just wondering what exactly you mean by 'running cpu miner on it'? Excuse my ignorance 😉

  2. Can you also add usb mining chips? Im wanting to learn how mine with pi4 B any help would be great

  3. WAIT!!!!! You didnt explain if they were running in parallel and launched with like mpi or something or not, or did you just install it across all the pi and run it individually as individuals. Me and a few others at uplexa crypto our coin is cpu specific and you're more capable of finding blocks and having better hashrate mining with cpu then a gpu. Quite a few of us including myself has just started receiving our multiple pi 4b's and got our bramble cases So we are trying to harness the power of clustered cpu usage across all the pi to mine as a supercomputer instead of single entities. So 8 Raspberry pi one being the master that's a 32-core cpu cluster running in parallel to find shares, and overclock them all with the sudo nano /boot/config.txt command. I would love your feedback please and anyone else who sees my comment.

  4. Hi!  I found your channel and I was impressed with your cluster work.  How did you do your 5V power rail?  Would love to see that.  What about powering your cluster through the GPIO?

    Thanks!  Keep up the great work.

  5. I don’t see any fuses or power limiters to each of the pi’s on you’re setup. Not sure if that’s necessary for my setup as I don’t want to kill my cluster by over amping one by accident.