
A Quick Video Tutorial for How to Sew a Wrist Pin Cushion

* O link do vídeo está no final desse post.

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an easy sewing project for how to sew a wrist pin cushion from

To see the full project with written step-by-step instructions and the long video versions of the project all in one place go here

The step-by-step long video versions that you can sew along to:

Go to part 1 of 3:

Go to part 2 of 3:

Go to part 3 of 3:

Find the turning and stuffing tool that I use for this project on eBay:

Find the turning and stuffing tool on Amazon as well:

As always, don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can be kept up to date with all the easy sewing projects, tips, tricks and recommended sewing resources


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