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Que tal um robo gratuito para IQ Option? Sistema Para IQ Option Grátis

banheira do gugu nana gouveia simone castro marina lima mari alexandre syilvia saint


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50 Comentários

  1. R ó m u l o é um cocô pequeno e aí que eu faço eu também hoje eu quero comer né Oi é que foi assim mulherzinha com esse aqui e deve eu queria quem sabe você não esquece tudo

  2. Geração de hoje jamais saberá o constrangimento/excitação de estar toda a família na frente da tv, na casa da vó, domingo 15h da tarde assistindo bundas na sua cara. hahaha depois disso era 2h de banho

  3. Época boa que não tinha Mimimi. Hoje em dia só tem mulher sofredora, se mata logo que é um " sofrimento" ser mulher poha, mimizentas do caralho.

  4. uma das melhores programações brasileira de todos os tempos! domingos salvos pelo saudoso GUGU… descanse em paz…….

  5. E tudo isso passava no domingo às 15h, a família toda assistindo, se fosse nos tempos de hj o futebol perdia feio….kkkkkk

  6. This looks like a game(Or a sport) of Upper Body Strength. Obviously you're going to see the Men dominating this game solely because they have the superior Upper Body Strength of those Beautiful Brazilian Models they are going up against shown on this video. Unless Certain Men want to be soft and let these Sexy Women dominate them.

    How about if we even up the odds a little bit on the Women's Side and get some Athletic Brazilian Women(Such as Marta) to make things more competitive for the Men.

  7. ahauhauhauhauhauh cara que putaria!!! Gugu hj em dia ta definhando naquele lixo de programa.. bom, o SBT é um lixo, tirando os filmes… falow

  8. yeah, I taught that stupid insignificant peasant to never mess up with a beautiful country like brazil again

  9. Spieys, Spieys, Spieys… your Tourette's has worsened. I feel for you, really I do… and you know what that means… another poem! Yay.

    Funny he is certainly not
    Under educated without a doubt,
    Clumsy with his grammar
    Knowledgeable as a hammer
    Inferior in every way,
    Nothing you could do or say is
    Going to make me go away

    Readily pwn3d
    Ever the yawn,
    Too much television
    And lack of reading has
    Rendered Spieys brain
    Dull and plain.

  10. oh yeah, keep this cut pasted bullshit. I don't even low myself to the point of reading it. You can finally manage to make me sleep…

  11. Ah Spieys. I am not sure what a "defensive genital sensation" would be. Perhaps you meant defective? And thank you for the "hasty-witted" compliment. My wit makes haste, most certainly. This kind compliment earns you another poem:

    Festering waste
    Upon YouTube,
    Clumsy insults easily
    Knocked aside,
    Imbecilic rants
    Not worth my time,
    Gorillas are more clever

    Industrial strength
    Dullard of magnificent magnitude,
    Incapable of the simplest logic,
    Onwards you march
    Towards a destiny of idiocy.

  12. Sorry you are not entertained by my poems my big buddy chum pal Spieys, … look a little more closely though, maybe you'll click with this one 😉

    Dullard that you are
    Unable to spot the obvious,
    Mouth breathing ape,
    Basking in your banality,

    Slow of wit you seem
    Hardly capable of thought at all,
    Imbecilic rambling postings
    Thoroughly devoid of imagination.

  13. With all the time wasted here, I probably could have hitch hiked to Brazil and jumped in the hot tub with them. I would be the one wearing the baggy surf shorts 'cause Speedos just aren't my thing.

  14. Where are the insults indeed! You still seem so angry my poor pal of pals Spieys. So I leave you with another poem before I hit the hay…

    Flailing spastic apoplexy
    Ultimate in nonsensical irrationality,
    Clearly losing your grip on reality
    Knight in shiny armor of stupidity

    Yet you persevere, so
    Oblivious in your banality
    Utterly lacking in originality.

    Deliriously your posts continue
    Impossible though it may seem,
    Continuing although the
    Knock out blow has long since landed.