Best Of ADNAN SAMI / Adnan Sami TOP HINDI HEART TOUCHING SONGs – Superhit Album Songs Jukebox

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Best Of ADNAN SAMI / Adnan Sami TOP HINDI HEART TOUCHING SONGs – Superhit Album Songs Jukebox
Best Of ADNAN SAMI / Adnan Sami TOP HINDI HEART TOUCHING SONGs – Superhit Album Songs Jukebox


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33 Comentários

  1. Your good writing songs which is your way but I don’t want to lie at all your such good by heart sounds are who understand real original that’s call good singer

  2. चाहे तुम जहा भी जाना जानम,मेरी याद रखना 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  3. Peaceful, melodeous, meaningful and powerful phrases, all masterpieces by the master himself, Adnan Sami. Way ahead of his time.