Bolsonaro: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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John Oliver discusses Jair Bolsonaro, how he’s run Brazil as president, how far he might go to maintain power after the upcoming election, and, of course, nunchucks.

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25 Comentários

  1. 60 YEARS IN 6
    Ever stop to think???
    In 2014, we took to the streets to try to overthrow the crazy Dilma… voting for Aécio. Yes, Aécio, the guy who was head of almost the entire corruption scheme, drug dealer and drug addict, in cahoots with the PT and with all the rubbish that governed us for the last 30 years.
    We were completely blind and ignorant in politics. We were slaves to the system and we didn't even know there was a system!
    For us, Olavo de Carvalho was a stranger; Enéas Carneiro was a madman; Roberto Campos was “Bob Fields” and Bolsonaro was the nervous deputy.
    We trusted Rede Globo and clapped our hands for the talentless artists who bought apartments in Paris and New York with our money.
    In just 6 years (6 not 60):
    – We removed a mentally retarded and ex-terrorist from power
    – We arrested a corrupt semi-literate man and his gang
    – We elected the first right-wing President of Brazil's 500 years
    – We learned a lot more about politics than football
    – We empty the audiences of communist and talentless artists
    – Paulo Guedes was elected the best Minister of Finance in the world in 2019
    – We gave a banana to Cuba and Venezuela and we allied with the US and Israel
    – We broke the backbone of an education system that created leftist zombies
    – We boycotted one of the most influential TV stations in the world
    – We identified who Maia and Alcolumbre are and many other traitors
    – We had the pleasure of learning from a Minister of Education that the 11 of the STF are nothing more than bandits in toga.
    – Anyway, Bolsonaro opened up the whole rotten system! Bolsonaro opened the lid of the huge manhole! Rats and cockroaches are desperate!
    -Bolsonaro made the people aware of politics and the economy like never before!
    -Bolsonaro governs with transparency, that is, he shows his mistakes and successes.
    -Bolsonaro gave us back our love for our country
    Do you think we will bury a whole system in 6 years???
    Of course! But we are stronger and more sane than we've ever been.
    Never give up! Surrender, never!
    For everything Bolsonaro went through (and goes through), even betting his life for us, the least we should do is have the decency to fight with all the strength and courage we have.


  2. Prime Minister elections in India are happening in 2024. @John Oliver hope you will do an episode on PM Modi similar to this one, after all he is the Bolsonaro of our Nation.

  3. hope the transfer of power is peaceful and props to john for handling those num-chuks without hurting himself

  4. While I understand the importance of the rain forest, it is kind of messed up that it’s become as world defining as it is now. Imagine you’re a country who has watched every other continent obliterate their forests for the resources, the increased living space, and for the economic spurring. And when you try to do it, the entire world says that YOU aren’t allowed to do exactly what they did.

  5. Hey John, you should take a look at Nayib Bukele, he's another madman in power of a country (El Salvador)

  6. So when did Pfizer become the good guys? Most vaccines take years and years to develop, so when one of the worst pharmaceutical companies on the market creates a new Vaccine, one that works in a different way than all other previous vaccines have too, it's reasonable to be suspicious of it. There was so much misinformation spreading around them as well. I had so many people tell me that since they got the vaccine, it was impossible for them to get covid. I was living in a household last year where everyone got covid except me. The only one who was vaccinated was the only one who wound up going to the hospital. My other roommate and his 1 year old son were almost fine except not being able to smell or taste and slight fever. His girlfriend had both doses of the Pfizer vaccine and she got to the point where she was having trouble breathing. She had no prior history of respiratory problems while both me and my other roommate do. One of mothers friends who is nurse said she hadn't noticed too much of difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated covid patients, but she did notice that people who don't take care of themselves (drink excessively, smoke, do drugs, eat unhealthy) Seemed to do BETTER than people who did take care of themselves.

  7. These are bad times for brazil. I'm feeling some second hand embarrassment for them being from another country myself.

  8. It is not true that Brazilians voted against guns possession. That is a BIG lie. In 2005, Brazilians voted for keeping guns possession legal. We were ignored by that thief that was our president: Lula.

  9. You are one the WORST influencer on TV because clearly you are completed uninformed about BRAZIL because if what you are stating would be true, all entire country, wouldn’t be protesting the election result and praying for the health of the CURRENT PRESIDENT WITH THE BETTER RESULTS OF GOVERNMENT ACTIONS FOR ALL BRAZILIANS.

  10. as a Brazilian from the future, I came here to tell people, after the election Bolsonaro's electors locked down roads and are being financed by Agricultural elite. And as much as it looks like conspiracy theory, it's all proved and well documented. They're trying hard to get a coup after Lula's tight victory. During the elections the Federal Road Police pulled off a sting to actually stop poor people from voting in several regions that had 70% Lula voters in the day of the election and still Bolsonaro lost the election. We are now dealing with the fanaticism of those who don't want to accept the results as they lock us out of the highways, they've already burnt ambulances, held off sick children from getting to the hospital, some bosses are FORCING they're employees to go to those, as they call it, "pacific protests". The country is on fire.

  11. Nice to look back knowing he lost and was laughed out of court and fined when he tried to say it was rigged. Sometimes there is justice.

  12. When a certain inflammatory politician referenced "shit hole" countries, Brazil would be on the short list.

  13. damn it John, u are always amazing ;D
    I wish u've also talked about how Lula is not only free from jail, but were also able to run in the elections thanks to Bolsonaro himself.
    Etiher ways, Lula is our elected president now and Brazilians will still be fucked for at least 4 more years.