Claymore – death of Teresa

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A sample video from anime claymore.
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36 Comentários

  1. idk but i tend to believe that teresa kinda knew that there’s a big possibility that dis monster which i forgot her name, has a big chance to kill her but the thing is that teresa wanted to die too deep inside that’s why she was careless and neglected her defense
    she always seemed to me unhappy and has nothing to lose and welcome the idea of death

  2. At first, I thought that leaving Clare alive was just a plot armor but after reading the manga, Priscilla did that bc she remove every little girls from her radar bc deep down she wanted a new claymore to kill her.

  3. UNDERATED One of the best seinen anime. For me, its the best yet.
    Edit: Well I mean manga, the anime ending doesn't do it justice.

  4. Such a tragic and sudden death for a perfect female character by a cowardly method. I was shocked and angry with that BITCH. 😰 😡

  5. The reason Priscilla is so powerfull as an Awakened one is because she used treachery and made it sound like she was in torment but was only Buying time to awaken. And even when shes awaken she is so smug and arogant I cant wait to see her head roll !!!! Finally Theresa will be avenged .

  6. No matter how many times i’ve watched this and even knew what happened in the end of manga, I can’t get over this, this scene is so depressing. Teresa was such a great character.

  7. Manga spoiler ahead!

    While Teresa's death is so unexpected, Tabitha's death surprised me more. Miria hyped her so much to the point where I thought she'll be the one who'll defeat Priscilla. And then after I flip the page, my mouth was left wide-open when I saw her all sliced up

  8. Priscilla reminds me of Seryu from Akame Ga Kill and Nina from Code Geass. Both brainwashed characters I despise.

    But when I first saw this scene my jaw literally just dropped. I did not expect that at all.

  9. Uma das CENAS mais TRISTE e FORTES que já vi em desenhos.
    A maneira como a PRISCILLA trai a TERESA chega a ser algo IMPERDOÁVEL, apesar da mesma não ser uma PESSOA RUIM, mas que deixou que sua LEALDADE CEGA à ORGANIZAÇÃO e o seu SENSO DE JUSTIÇA EXACERBADO a DOMINAREM por ser, talvez, IMATURA demais.
    Mas a VERDADEIRA CULPADA disso tudo ter acontecido com a TERESA não foi a CLARE, que a tornou mais HUMANA, mas a IRENE que, como LÍDER DA EQUIPE, deveria ter INTERVINDO antes da PRISCILLA se tornar um SER DESPERTO junto com a SOPHIA e a NOEL naquele momento que ela já estava RENDIDA.
    A TERESA apenas ACREDITOU que a PRISCILLA queria ser morta antes de se tornar um SER DESPERTO.
    O TRISTE mesmo foi a CLARE ter visto a MULHER que ela considerava como uma MÃE ser morta daquela forma COVARDE.
    Lembrando que a TERESA não foi DERROTADA por PRISCILLA e sim morta por ela!

  10. Idk why but this is the best anime death scene. Like is embedded into my memories I can’t get rid of it.

  11. Teresa was like Optimus Prime (getting killed by Megatron while he was on his knees begging for mercy while reaching for his weapon)
    Claire is like Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime and Teresa's head is like the Matrix of Power. It gets shoved into Claire's chest cavity and she gets a power up lol.

  12. What I like most about Theresa beside being a badass is that the whole reasons she lowering her guard and showing compassion now which resulted in her death is becasue of humanity Clair gave her but at the same time she doesn't regret it one bit and would rather die human and free and than have lived on like before

  13. To tell you guys the truth Priscilla had become such disgusting creature because of her profound hate of yoma. When her judgement clouded she couldn't contain her awakening anymore and the yoma took over her existence in that instant. That's why Teresa died. At the end of the manga Priscilla explains this situation with a clean conciousness and with her free will before she dies by the strike of clare&teresa angelic form. She even expresses her apology.

    What's missing in this chapter was the portrayal of the transition moment from human to yoma but they failed or intended to eleborate the situation in the second season. As you all know there was never a second season and even more so the first one ended like shit..