
Comprovado! Is Cloud in FF Tactics canon 2023? | final fantasy tactics cloud

Due to this and the page from the FFVII Ultimania Omega quoted above, Cloud’s appearance in Final Fantasy Tactics is undoubtedly canon.

Is Cloud actually a soldier first class?

It is revealed that Cloud never qualified for SOLDIER, and instead enlisted as an infantryman in Shinra’s army. During the mission to Nibelheim, Cloud served under Sephiroth and Zack, hiding his identity from the townspeople out of embarrassment.

Does Cloud have PTSD?

Cloud suffers a form of PTSD from his trauma after the death of Zack. But that was not the only trauma he went through — his mother was killed by Sephiroth when he was 16. And it’s important to note that Cloud looked up to Sephiroth as his idol.

Who does Cloud end up with?

Most would agree that it’s Tifa, but there are many valiant fenders for Aerith x Cloud. It’s never really confirmed who Cloud’s official girl is as that’s the purpose of a love triangle dependent on choice.

Is Cloud stronger than Zack?

Both Zack and Cloud are very powerful fighters. A battle between them would be a very close match. However, purely because Cloud gets more time to develop his skills, while Zack dies earlier, Cloud ends up being a little stronger than Zack.

Is cloud strong in FFT?

Cloud is potentially devestating in combat, his limits are powerful, he can even equip ribbons unlike other males so he has good status immunity potential.

Is cloud in War of the Lions?

The fact that Cloud could wear the Ribbon was a reference to the cross-dressing quest in Final Fantasy VII. The updated War of the Lions version of Final Fantasy Tactics made it possible for Onion Knights to equip the Ribbon, so Cloud lost his unique attribute. Cloud’s appearance in Final Fantasy Tactics is strange.

How do you get the secret characters in FFT?

Unlocking the secret characters

NOTE: You must have Mustadio in your party to get all of the secret characters, and all of these characters are aquired in Chapter 4. Read the rumors at Goland, go to Lesalia, then agree to accompany Beowulf to Goland. After a series of plot battles, he joins the party.

Is Zach related to Cloud?

Zack is a 1st Class SOLDIER and Cloud’s best friend during their time working for the Shinra Electric Power Company. He wields the iconic Buster Sword, which he would pass onto Cloud in the same manner Zack had inherited it from his mentor, Angeal Hewley.

Why is Cloud so scared of Sephiroth?

Final Fantasy 7’s late-game segments confirm Cloud hates Sephiroth because he is a reminder of his failure and weakness, which nearly cost Tifa’s life, the person who motived him to join SOLDIER in the first place.

Why does Cloud get headaches?

The Mako poisoning, Jenova’s influence, and the trauma result in Cloud taking on the persona of his friend Zack, and replacing many of his own memories with Zacks. This series of events is the root cause of Cloud’s headaches.

Who is Cloud’s love interest?

The Sexbomb Bae: Tifa Lockheart

Cloud’s traditional partner in crime, and to many fans Cloud’s one true bae, Tifa is Cloud’s childhood friend from many years ago. The person who gets Cloud recruited to Avalanche, Tifa is a kindhearted soul with a warrior’s spirit.

Why is Cloud Strife so popular?

From his tragic backstory, resolution of said story, iconic design, and weapon, it’s no wonder why he has resonated with fans for all these years. It’s also why he is the series’ representative in the Super Smash Bros franchise, arguably the ultimate celebration of all things gaming.

Why did cloud not make soldier?

All SOLDIERs are showered in Mako and injected with Jenova cells. It’s why part of the requirement for being a SOLDIER is a strong sense of self – and the reason Cloud was rejected. Hojo’s experiment was to perform the SOLDIER treatment on people who were NOT fit to be SOLDIERs.

Does Aerith love Cloud or Zach?

The FF7 Love Triangle: Zack, Cloud, and Aerith

In the original compilation, there’s a bit of a clear throughline that Zack was Aerith’s first love and she eventually grows to love Cloud too. Her feelings aren’t necessarily complicated by that, especially as Cloud grows to deal with his PTSD and Zack manifestation.

Is Jessie in love with Cloud?

Jessie has apparent romantic feelings for Cloud, frequently gushing over him, and eventually inviting him on a date.

Does Cloud like Tifa or Aerith more?

Cloud has no choice to make. His love of Tifa helps him recall why he loves Aerith; loving Aerith healed the affectations that prevented him from loving Tifa. The girls never compete over him — they love each other, too. Thinking he’s “with” one girl more than the other is missing the point.


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