
Comprovado! Who is Diana countered by 2023? | diana couner

The strongest counter would be Corki, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 49.28% (Bad) and Play Rate of 1.38% (High). League of Legends most often picked champions vs Diana, this is often heavily influenced by champion popularity.

Does Diana counter Master Yi?

Master Yi Jungle vs Diana Jungle Build & Runes

Master Yi wins against Diana 51.54% of the time which is 2.97% higher against Diana than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Master Yi wins against Diana 1.66% more often than would be expected.

Does Diana counter Akali?

Akali wins against Diana 50.96% of the time which is 2.39% higher against Diana than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Akali wins against Diana 2.95% more often than would be expected.

How do you counter Diana in wild rift?

League of Legends Wild Rift Diana Counters are Annie, Corki, and Ahri, which have the best chance of winning Diana in the lane. You DO NOT want to pick Zed or Lux as they will most likely lose to Diana. In Terms of Synergy, picks like Akali and Yasuo are good with Diana.

Is Diana a good champion?

1. Diana. Ever since her mini-rework that swapped her dash from the ult to a regular ability, Diana has been one of the strongest solo queue mid laners. With her newfound slipperiness and the massive damage she can output on her reworked ult, Diana is a strong laner who also scales incredibly well.

Does Diana counter Yasuo?

Diana wins against Yasuo 51.71% of the time which is 2.29% higher against Yasuo than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Diana wins against Yasuo 0.97% more often than would be expected.

Does Diana counter Zed?

Diana wins against Zed 51.03% of the time which is 1.98% higher against Zed than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Diana wins against Zed 0.72% more often than would be expected.


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