[Exclusive] I Interviewed an OnlyFans Politician… | Louder With Crowder

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Martha Bueno, Candidate for Commissioner Miami-Dade District 10 made noise in the news because she decided to promote herself on Only Fans to get an edge over her Republican opponent. Check out my interview with her here.

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40 Comentários

  1. My last 2 ex wives were both Martha. (Though only one was a Latina.) That being said, I'd vote for you. Good luck. If she makes it big time, she'll became a Republican. Mark my words.

  2. If you said something mean 20 years ago, you will be recalled, and blacklisted. But i guess its ok to do porn now and hold public office. I dont really have a problem with her so much as society.

  3. I respect the choice, but I kinda think it would be hard to respect a politician if I can pay to see them naked. I just don’t see it working.

  4. The funds raised and used to compete for a govt posision should be analogous/correspond/comparable with the salary of the position.

  5. America is screwed. No culture , no morals. The experiment was run and the results are in, consumerism is not culture and will only lower the bar time and time again.

  6. Damn……. I would vote for her! I dont have an only fans account and wouldnt sign up just to see her videos but I WOULD like to see her videos! She is cute.

  7. At first I thought she was going to be a joke, but by the end she seemed very intelligent. I definitely want to know more of her position on things.

    We all need to pay attention and get just a little involved. We need to be picking better people to represent us. Preferably not people sponsored by the machine.

  8. Why do Latinos(as) always appropriate to black culture? And everything is always about race and ethnicity for them. I'm sure lots of betas and simps will still vote for her but I'd hope not too many would take her seriously.

  9. Wow, to these commenters that are criticizing Crowder’s morals for how he was acted here – this is a comedy show. He is acting, to be funny, by making a caricature of the male sex-drive. He even impersonates the Hodge twins as part of this act. It’s self-deprecating humor.

    Also, according to multiple commenters here, her OF account has nothing sleazy, unless you consider the one-piece sleazy. It’s focused on political issues.

    And the mug club interview was obviously longer than this clip, and she discusses more of her views there.

  10. I’ll say it even though no one else here will admit it. This chicks fine and alI (pun semi intended after the fact ) but I sure as fuck wish AOC would take a page out of this chicks playbook and was campaigning this way. I might even vote for her for president if she did that…

  11. People who say things like "small L libertarian" disgust me… That just shows me that they have no understanding what a libertarian is. Its black and white, it just means you are against imposing any kind of force on anyone else (self defense not being force).

  12. I guarantee that of that 17% of top OF creators, she's the only one with an IQ at or above 100, and who speaks in complete sentences. Am I suggesting that the rest are stupid bambos? Yes, yes I am.

  13. “I had guns”…..crowder cast: OHHHHHHHH. You can show your sphincter but god forbid you got a glock

  14. i would never vote for this chic. Clearly she is no different then any other politician: she will do anything for a vote.

  15. The LP was a joke prior to the Mises takeover. The LP said nothing about lockdowns, mask mandates and the like. Her saying she’s not happy with the present status of the LP tells you everything you need to know. Ask her what her view on abortion is? Her and I had a back and forth a while ago about abortion. She sounds like a typical liberal chick on the topic. She said all the typical liberal tropes about abortion. “It’s my body” “only men are against abortion”. Blah blah blah. The very next day she put out a post as I remember about how she’s personally pro life…..she’s trying to play both sides. Good on her about the 2nd amendment but she’s a political windsock when it comes to abortion. No conviction on the issue.