Gilly pays heartfelt tribute Roy and Warnie

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The summer of cricket has not, and will never, be the same with the personalities of Andrew Symonds and Shane Warnie.

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23 Comentários

  1. What a class man. Although I watched my country England be destroyed many times by the Aussies they were a delight to watch. The excitement, passion, sledging, etc etc. lovely tribute.

  2. I recently read and found about Symonds’s life. The guy was a out and out legend and a man of fierce loyalty. So sad.

  3. I'm a kiwi who very much dislikes everything about Australian cricket but that video actually made me shed a tear. In all honesty everyone knows Warney was a top bloke and I would say the goat of spin bowling while Symo also a GC was well before his time with the style of play that he took to the crease and field. I hated watching them take nz apart consistently but as a pure cricket fan I was left in awe and just held so much respect for their incredible talent. Gillie has my respect too because he would always walk which cant be said for 99% of crickerters worldwide these days or back them. Both Warnie and Symo will be terribly missed. May they rest in peace.

  4. Indians hated them beacuse they always use to find some or other way to beat india…but over the years due to ipl we came to know more and more about aussie players and we loved them….we too miss them

  5. Cricket fans from the rest of the world like myself really miss them too! The sport is clearly poorer with their absence!

  6. Hi sir. Can you please make tribute video to Tony greig as the legendary commentator..

  7. Grew up watching Warnie and Roy play and loved them both. Then getting to listen to them commentate was always entertaining. Summer just isn’t the same without them and never will be again.

    Seeing Gilly so upset automatically puts a lump in the throat. Brilliant tribute to these legends even though I watch it through tears. R.I.P. Warnie & Roy, two greats of our game.

  8. Remain heartbroken that the King & his offsider are gone – Warnie carried his genius into commentary – just LOVED listening to all he had to say. Other commentators should listen to what he said – about the commentators curse – Truly – Cricket will never been the same.

  9. They are lucky India pays so well , when was last time stadium full for these fools In Australia ….grubs

  10. It’s all bs who respects any of these fools , current players cheat , Warne history was worse , my heroes in sport turned into money hungry whores
    Why would u do this on YouTube, wanker


  12. There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” – Luke 13:1-5

  13. As a pome , I had respect and admiration for these two legends, No sorry that’s wrong, I meant to say ,this legend and this god of the game of cricket. Warnie was probably the most watchable player that ever bowled a cricket ball, his behavior on and off the pitch was an example to many. Many sportsmen around the world let their fame ruin them, not warnie! He used it for good. As for “Roy” , he was the most lovable rogue and probably didn’t always get it right but, to me and many people, he was a hero. I cried so hard when their passing was announced and I will miss their vast knowledge and experience coming from the commentary box. At least we still have Gilly to keep us entertained. Thank you Australia for giving the world these exceptional people. 😢