Happy mail from Mandy and Amelia 5-14-13

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Sharing Happy mail from far far away LOL….Thanks Amelia YT Amelia Ireton and Mandy YT 11craftycats…I adore you ladies!!!! TFW *Lydia*


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24 Comentários

  1. Would like to send you some goodies maybe we can start sending each other things we each make that sounds like fun inbox me your address if you can we can be Puerto Rican scrap book online buddies…lol

  2. LOL Tere…I can just imagine, I'm sure he love that you made it just for him. Thanks for stopping by..hugs

  3. Lovely goodies from Mandy! She is from my home land. I can't wait to go shopping for goodies. Enjoy your fancies from Africa. The stamps are a great extra treat. Enjoy your goodies. TFS. Scrappy hugs. Marcia

  4. I can imagine why she was worried when it took so long to get there. If she crocheted those beautiful laces, I'd want to make sure that it got there too. Enjoy all your goodies.
    God Bless