
Inédito: Does Gohan go SSJ2 against Cell 2023? | gohan ssj2 vs cell

Gohan powers up to Super Saiyan 2 Enraged with Cell for killing the good-natured Android 16, and the Cell Juniors’ beating of his friends and father, Gohan’s hidden power erupts, transforming him into a second level of Super Saiyan (which would later be called Super Saiyan 2).

Who was stronger ss2 Gohan or super Perfect Cell?

SSJ2 Gohan is leagues ahead of Super Perfect Cell in raw strength and pure power . So much so that even when his power level dipped as he broke his arm saving Vegeta from Cell attack killing him and he could only use one hand to power up a Kamehameha, his was still strong enough to kill Cell.

Was Gohan weaker than Cell?

Gohan is still quite a bit stronger than Super Perfect Cell. When Cell came back stronger, he also came back at 100% energy/stamina. While Gohan just intercepted a blast that would have killed Vegeta. He was also distraught from having Goku (and Trunks) die.

Can Cell go Super Saiyan God?

Cell can go super saiyan

After he exploded, when he regenerated, he was more powerful due to his saiyan cells. This means he can go super saiyan.

Why didnt Gohan go Super Saiyan 2 against Buu?

So why didn’t Gohan simply transform into a SSJ as Mystic Gohan during his fight with Super Buu? He was getting pummeled to pieces. The obvious answer is because he couldn’t. Because it’s impossible for him to surpass his limits.

Can SSJ2 Goku beat Cell?

They would crush cell. They are way stronger after the 7 years. Vegeta even said to Goku “at least you are stronger than your son when he fought cell”. Even stronger than SSJ2 Gohan back then.

What is Gohan’s power level in SSJ2?

Super Saiyan Gohan (Full Power Saiyan): 900,000,000 (is stronger than Goku, as it was stated by him. He was on par with Cell but once again due to his inexperience and his lack of thirst for battle he does not know how to fully use his power. Not until he goes Super Saiyan 2 does he truly overwhelm Cell…)

What was cell’s power level?

Cell, spending time sneaking around and absorbing hundreds of thousands of humans, brought his battle power, in his first form, to a level above #17 and #18, and then absorbing #17 made him even stronger than that.

Why was Gohan holding back against Cell?

Whether or not it was logical at the time, Gohan was holding back against Cell even during the beam struggle because he was afraid of damaging the planet, or more broadly of just his own power.

Is Goten stronger than Gohan?

Goten is stronger than Gohan and Goku were at HIS AGE. Goku trained almost his whole life, and Gohan was the first one to achieve Super Saiyan 2 and had a lot of potential.

Was Goku stronger than Gohan in the Cell saga?

Goku was clearly stronger than Gohan before going into the HBTT and they trained for the exact same amount of time in there under the same conditions.

Is Gohan weaker in the Buu saga?

Many fans believe Gohan got weaker in the buu arc but this isn’t the case if you look closely and compare his performance in the Cell games to Buu Arc. Now Gohan in Buu arc fought Dabura. Confirmed by Goku to be Perfect Cell level opponent.

Can Broly beat Cell?

you cant just call it out when your giving energy to someone if its hidden, otherwise he would have given his power to goku so goku can kill cell.) cell is stronger than movie 8 broly.

Who can beat Perfect Cell?

An episode of Dragon Ball Z suggested that despite how he’s been handled in the past, Yamcha may actually have what it takes to defeat Perfect Cell. Yamcha, who has been an ally of Goku since the original Dragon Ball anime, has long been ridiculed as one of the show’s weakest characters.

Why is SSJ2 the best?

Even though Super Saiyan 3 was supposed to be the next level above it, the Super Saiyan 2 form is favored by both Goku and Vegeta. It’s a better transformation because the Super Saiyan 3 state drains too much energy too fast. That was one of the biggest problems that Goku had with it when he was fighting Kid Buu.


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