
Inédito: How do I make a PDF smaller in PowerPoint 2023? | small pdf para powerpoint

Save PowerPoint presentations as PDF files
At Optimize for, select Standard for higher quality (for example, if you want to print it). Select Minimum size to make the file smaller (for example, if you want to send it as an e-mail attachment).Click Options to set how the presentation will appear as a PDF.

Can you convert a PDF to a PowerPoint?

Yes. After using the Acrobat online tool to convert your PDF into a PowerPoint presentation file, simply open the file in Microsoft PowerPoint and edit away.

How do I open a PDF in PowerPoint?

Insert a PDF file as an object

In PowerPoint, select the slide that you want to add the file to, and then select Insert > Object. In the Insert Object box, select Create from file, and then enter the PDF file location; or, click Browse, find the PDF file, and then select OK.

How do I make my PDF smaller?

The simplest is to re-save your file as a reduced-size PDF. In the latest version of Adobe Acrobat, open the PDF you wish to re-save as a smaller file, choose File, Save as Other, and then Reduced Size PDF. You’ll be prompted to select the version compatibility you need and then you can click OK to save.

How do I reduce file size in PowerPoint?

10 Strategies to Compress or Reduce the Size of Large PowerPoint Presentations
Compress pictures.Insert pictures instead of copying and pasting.Use smaller image files.Convert images to a different file type.Save a copy of images with artistic effects.Compress audio and video.Link to audio or video files.

Is Smallpdf safe to use?

Is Smallpdf safe to use? Absolutely. Smallpdf is ISO 27001 certified and GDPR and eIDAS compliant, and comes with advanced TLS encryption for file transfer security. Users with a free or paid account can store their documents online using the file storage service, which can be disabled at any time.

How do I insert a PDF into PowerPoint without losing quality?

To insert a PDF into PowerPoint without losing quality, follow the steps below:
Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation (or open an existing PPT file).Select the slide which you want to insert the PDF.Go to Insert>Object in the Insert menu at the top.Select Create from file>Browse.

How do I present a PDF?

How To Present a PDF Like a PowerPoint
Open your PDF document with your PDF reader.Click “View” and choose “Enter Full Screen” or “Slideshow.”Present as you regularly would and navigate using the arrow keys.Press the “ESC” (escape) key to exit the slideshow when finished.

How do I insert a PDF image into PowerPoint?

Insert a PDF into PowerPoint as a Picture
Open the PDF file and display the page you want to insert into PowerPoint.Open PowerPoint and go to the slide where you want to insert the PDF as a picture.Select Insert > Screenshot. Select the PDF file to add it to the slide as an image.

Is there any app to convert PDF to PPT?

Apowersoft PDF Converter. An alternative app which allows you to convert PDF to PPT on Android device is Apowersoft PDF Converter. This is a mobile PDF converter which supports several document formats including PPT, Excel, Word, and many more. This program has an excellent and clean interface easy to use for anyone.

How do I convert a PDF to Google Slides?

Insert PDF to Google Slides

Open Google Slides from your browser, and then click the file picker icon to upload the converted PDF file as a new presentation. After that, a new window pops up making you browse the file. You can select the “Upload” option to import the file from your device.

How do I convert a PDF to PowerPoint using WPS?

Steps to convert PDF to PPT in WPS Office.
Open the PDF file you want to convert to PPT.Navigate to the Tools tab, and click PDF to PPT.Select the file you want to convert.Set the exported file format at Save as type.Set the location to save the exported file at Save as location.Click Start.

How do reduce file size?

Remove unnecessary images, formatting and macros. Save the file as a recent Word version. Reduce the file size of the images before they are added to the document. If it is still too large, save the file as a PDF.

How do I resize a PDF image?

How to resize an image
Make sure you are in Edit Mode.Select your image so you can see the red border.Hold down your mouse button over one of the circles on the border. Drag your mouse cursor and you will see the outline for the new image size.Release your mouse button to resize the image in your PDF.

How do I reduce a PDF to 100kb?

How To Reduce PDF File Size Below 100 KB for Free
Go to the Compress PDF tool.Drag and drop your PDF into the toolbox to reduce the file size.Choose the compression type and click “Compress.”The PDF compression tool will shrink the file down.Download the shrunken PDF.


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