
Inédito: What is the meaning of Conje 2023? | conje

1 : to arrive at or deduce by surmise or guesswork : guess scientists conjecturing that a disease is caused by a defective gene. 2 : to make conjectures as to conjecture the meaning of a statement. intransitive verb.

Is Visualizable a real word?

To form a mental image. vi′su·al·iz′er n.

Is Suspicioned a word?

the act of suspecting, esp. something wrong or evil. 2. the state of mind or feeling of one who suspects; doubt; misgiving.

Is Inoccupation a word?

Want of occupation; lack of anything to do.

What is a Wodge?

Definition of wodge

chiefly British. : a bulky mass or chunk : lump, wad.

How do you say conge in French?

noun, plural con·gés [kon-zheyz, -jeyz; French kawn-zhey].

What is the verb form of suspicious?

suspect. (transitive) To imagine or suppose (something) to be true, or to exist, without proof. (transitive) To distrust or have doubts about (something or someone). (transitive) To believe (someone) to be guilty.

What’s the noun of suspicious?

2[countable] suspicion (that…) a feeling or belief that something is true, even though you have no proof I have a horrible suspicion that we got off at the wrong stop. [uncountable, countable] the feeling that you cannot trust someone or something Their offer was greeted with some suspicion.

What is a doggedly?

adverb. in a persistent or tenacious manner:She worked doggedly and tirelessly, overseeing nearly every aspect of the show.

What does Squelchy mean?

adjective. /ˈskweltʃi/ /ˈskweltʃi/ soft and wet; making the quiet sound of something soft and wet being pressed.

What does it mean to dodge someone?

intransitive/transitive to avoid someone or something by moving quickly, especially so that something does not hit you or someone does not see you. Shoppers had to dodge flying glass when the bomb exploded. cyclists dodging through the traffic.

Is Modge a word?

Definition of modge in the English dictionary

The definition of modge in the dictionary is to do shoddily; make a mess of.


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