Jackie Chan – How to Do Action Comedy

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Some filmmakers can do action. Others can do comedy. But for 40 years, the master of combining them has been Jackie Chan. Let’s see how he does it. (Note: to see the names of the films, press the CC button!)

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The 9 Principles of Action Comedy
1. Start with a DISADVANTAGE
3. Be CLEAR in your shots
4. Action & Reaction in the SAME frame
5. Do as many TAKES as necessary
6. Let the audience feel the RHYTHM
7. In editing, TWO good hits = ONE great hit
8. PAIN is humanizing
9. Earn your FINISH

Five Jackie Chan Fights (An Introduction)
Wheels on Meals – Benny vs Jackie (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI2dzMEzX2w)
Police Story – Mall Finale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk4dUq4zE_o)
Police Story 2 – The Playground (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTvRS9Khd5w)
Miracles – The Rope Factory (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn1n5dI1uB4)
Drunken Master 2 – Finale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEt4B1poOfM)

Jackie Chan – Police Story Theme
Ash – Kung Fu
Chow Fu-liang – 8 Drunken Gods (Main Theme)
Jackie Chan – Who Am I? Theme
David Tao – Fantasy Mission Force

Interview Clips:
Jackie Chan interview on filmmaking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft43yyuuoYk
Bey Logan talks about Project A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT_0Q6GNgWk
An Evening with Jackie Chan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ikrj5HwCzw
Jackie Chan – My Stunts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYpwwYojns0

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47 Comentários

  1. I am into Chinese drama recently and was telling my husband that even in dramas cinese fight better than Hollywood blockbusters. Cinese need the US special effects and could do better action movies definitely…

  2. "and the bad guy only gets defeated, because someone shoots him"
    – shows ip man
    that part doesn't count

  3. when he said those movie will last forever, I think to myself from all these movie that comes out and alot of them have poor writing or acting or even directing. and I just say if they had abit more time to perfect it then it wouldn't be bad at all.

  4. 🔴 Interesting fact : Jackie Chan, starred in a porn movie in 1975. Not only was he in a porn movie.

    Did you know? ✅

  5. Because outside Hollywood they make realistic stuff and entertainment than Hollywood just thinks of money 💴

  6. Your insightful videos are truly wise. Learned much, and also inspired. 😀 I've done some video editing creatively in the most professional way possible. In this video, I re-choreographed the infamous fight scenes from Bruce Lee's film, and synchronized the movements to match the rhythm of the music. The editing is done in 60fps, and fight motions are timed to the milliseconds of the music theme for Enter The Dragon. (Aligning the key action scene frames to the instruments in the music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udLh3ArX6K8

  7. 🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭.

  8. Police Story: 1, 2, 3, 4.
    Project A: part 1, part 2
    Armour of God 1, 2, 3
    Who am I?
    Mr. Nice Guy
    Rush Hour
    The Young Master
    Fearless Hyena
    Rob B Hood
    New Police Story
    Rumble in the Bronx
    My Lucky Stars
    Wheels on Medals
    Dragon Lord
    Druken Master 1, 2
    The Accidental Spy
    Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars
    Fantasy Mission Force
    Twin Dragons
    Winners & Sinners
    Dragons Forever
    Snake in the Eagle's Shadow

  9. Rumble in the Bronx is my second most movie hopped experience growing up. I miss the good old days of movie hopping.

  10. Jackie's fight scenes have their own storylines. That's why they are NEVER boring! (As opposed to Hollywood fight scenes which go on so long — I'm like "wake me up when this part's over"!)

  11. You are SO RIGHT! Hollywood didn't know what to make of him. They made him a secondary character! A "buddy film"! And you pinpointed exactly the difference in the action scenes. That's why I love his own work. It's much superior. He is beauty in motion!

  12. Truly blessed, are they who can find continued happiness and satisfaction, in that which they have known all of their life.

    Today, I thank you.

  13. Super interesting. Now I understand better why I've always preferred Police Story or Drunken Master to Rush Hour or Shang-High Noon. Jackie Chan is a legend.

  14. Similar to why people still listen to Mozart.
    100 years later people still watch jackie-chan movies I'm sure of it.

  15. Now mainland series or films are more capitalist than Hollywood. The majority of them are a low quality, bad acting, trash script, overly strict rules from CCP, mehh.

  16. My favorite Jackie Chan fight scene might be at the end of The Legend of Drunken Master when he gets wasted and whoops his opponents ass.