Jacqueline Novogratz on an escape from poverty

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http://www.ted.com Jacqueline Novogratz tells a moving story of on an encounter in a Nairobi slum with Jane, a former prostitute. whose dreams of escaping poverty, of becoming a doctor and of getting married were fulfilled in an unexpected way.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes and “Lost” producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Watch the Top 10 TEDTalks on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/top10


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26 Comentários

  1. What happened to Jane´s husband?

    What is Jane´s job now?

    How did Jane scape from poverty?

  2. Helping people in this way is a very good idea. Thank you, Jami Bora. Unfortunately, our world does not want to unite to help people from poor countries, because governments do not want to negotiate with each other on these topics.

  3. I am struck by Jane's character. She was not broken by circumstances. Whatever it sounds, everything is done everything is for the better.

  4. Why is it so hard for liberals, and especially progressives, to see that the onLY way out of poverty for the masses is ONLY , and always hasONLY,  been Capitalism. Only Private investment increases growth enough to pull the masses out of poverty. Yet liberals always think gov't needs to be directly involved.(Gov't spending causes Crowding out of private investment , less grow and wage stagnation is the result of Gov't trying to help the poor)  NO Gov't has never brought the masses out of poverty. Only Capitalism with Gov't set boundaries for externalities, has ever Worked. Gov't is necessary in a limited capacity: fraud protection, setting up rules(courts)  Capitalism Capitalism Capitalism. IT IS NOT AN EVIL CONSPIRACY FOR THE RICH TO CONTROL THE POWER. The Government that is too big is the evil against the masses; it doesn't matter who runs the government. Gov't lusts for power.
     It is only Capitalism that makes evil men do the correct economic thing. Because only in Capitalism is the rich personal goals also help the poor's personal goals.

  5. please her book 'The Blue Sweater'. dot go by a compressed video grab. She really offers a third way. the world needs to listent o that possibility.

  6. Jacque, You revealed a secret thru your speech, this is not a phenomenon in Africa instead this situation can be seen in several parts of countries like India, Pak, Bangladesh and even in some other so called developed countries.
    Jacque, i have noticed some unpleasant comments here why can't you delete such dirty comments.
    Good Going. Keep us inform.
    P V Ariel, Secunderabad, India

  7. they did suffer Famine Disease and war, Before the europeans came! go get your facts striate!

  8. They have so many children because of the social dynamics of the country they live in. Parents have more children based on a few things I will list: Men being more valuable to a family than a woman. They have more children so they will be taken care of in their old age. However, it can trap countries because less resources are allocated to the developement of each individual person. Another reason is that healthcare the infant mortality rate is a great deal higher.

  9. I say that hope is 50% of the battle, logic is 40%, and the human will is the other 10% of it.

  10. Quality vs. quantity is just a description of what takes place if you interfere with the musical chairs, and it's not my personal view or a clarification but simple MATH.

    If you give a part of a regionally limited supply of something to someone (quantitative) without changing the supraregional supply, you – as I said before – take the good/ opportunity away from someone else without noticing it.

    It's masturbation, not "helping people".

  11. "It's not leading a horse to water, it is musical chairs."

    See, normal people ask if they don't understand something instead of producing ignorant statements about a topic they don't understand.

    If you don't know the popular game musical chairs nor its widespread use to explain economics it would have been your turn.

    It's not a metaphor, it's rather a parabel and can even be taken literally: There are a limited number of goods/ opportunities in a region due to supraregional distribution.

  12. Let me explain it to you one more time:

    It is irrelevant how many times you help someone on a chair during musical chairs. The relevance that you perceive is caused by your perception omitting the person who doesn't have a seat anymore.

    When on the other hand you provide SYSTEMIC change that means that you enlarge the numbers of chairs.

    Not the quantity of systemic change is relevant here, but the quality (i.e. being systemic at all).

    You seem to mix up quantity and quality.

  13. What a bunch of BS.

    It isn't hope, it is deception.

    It's not leading a horse to water, it is musical chairs.

    Only systemic changes are sustainable.

    You can justify any BS with exceptions.

    Learn some logic, reading, thinking.

  14. This presentation is very, very misleading.

    Poverty, slavery, oppression has very deep, systemic causes.

    This is just talking about exeptions to blur the sight that would grasp reality. It is musical chairs. It is a mockery.

  15. Amazing that I am learning how to build my new house from mud and these people have given up their natural way of living to live in pathetic slavery to live in a rusty tin shack.

    They bought into the Western Illusion and are now suffering for it. May they be blessed to wake up and return to a natural, peaceful, free way of life.

    Anastasia Ringing Cedars Series has the solution to World Poverty. Housing, clothing, and food is free.

    Earth turns to Gold in Hands of the Wise. —Rumi