Jessica Alves @ Medworld Clinic

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Jessica Alves @medworldclinics

Medworld Clinics
For every guest of Rixos Downtown hotel vacation means sea, sun and impeccable comfort. But now we would like to add words “health makeover“, “treatment and recovery” to the Rixos concept. Choosing a vacation at Rixos Downtown hotel today, you have a unique opportunity to get a full range of health services for rejuvenation, rehabilitation and beauty transformation with the center in Medworld Clinic.

Located right on hotel’s territory Medworld Clinic is remarkable with variety of health programmes, dentistry, plastic surgery services, aesthetic cosmetology, hair transplantation and hair mesotherapy, check-up examinations, spa and wellness procedures, alternative medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Medworld is proud to present health treatment programmes, developed especially for hotel guests and according to their needs. Medworld Programmes include various procedures for each specific purpose, where their joint application is more effective than performing each procedure separately. You will get your treatment in a personalized way, combining a healthy diet, physical exercises and therapies, including both western diagnostic methods and ancient eastern techniques.


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49 Comentários

  1. Another free operation for the sake.of advertisement 😅 u fucked up ur body, everywehre she says 750k pouns she oaid, sure u did

  2. I find it so cute to watch these bitcu ass rich people spending money that they probably pulled out of their asses while we over struggling to feed our kids and keep a roof over our head

  3. I've been following Jessica for years I'm so happy that she is HAPPY and found herself in her true skin ♥️

  4. I think she should still do some tweaking, for example making the nose smaller and the lips larger

  5. he escuchado que disen a una mujer originar es que se parece a un tras vesti no es que el tras vesti trata de imitar a una mujer y una mujere es incopiabre

  6. no soy no sufru de omofobia pero la verda que es un insulto a las mujeres unn hombre nunca podra ser una mujer eso es plajio de identida y por mas hormonas que usen nunca van a ser una mujer las m7ujeres son iriginares

  7. I loved you before,and love your look now. My gosh! An absolutely beautiful Ken,and gorgeous woman too. You are so eloquent. I love watching you on new adventures. Watching your grace,and manners.

  8. I got to say she looks better than ever I mean really beautiful, from other videos i can tell she was always beautiful on the inside, but damn girl does this look suit u. and if the path she took lead her to this then she has nothing worth regretting.

  9. Para min e só mas pessoa vazia que se não toma cuidado aí morrer jovem .um.desses interventos como o que ela fez colocar silicone industrial com bombardeira aqui no Brasil , tem.um.complexo , tenho pena porque vendo falar parece um ser humano bom mas sem.nenhuma noção do valor de vida dela

  10. She's beautiful and she seems very happy with herself. I'm only concerned about her nose. It looks tiny, like it could fall apart any minute and her voice sounds like she has a cold/stuffed nose. Hope she gets that fixed soon!

  11. Boa tarde, Jéssica Alves, que Clínica, maravilhosa, linda e o atendimento tambem, você é muito educada,e sempre foi, acompanho, faz tempo, semore amável, meiga e tem uma otima postura, respeito, amo amo amo, obrigado por compartilhar, esse momento gostoso de massagens, beijos beijos, 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽Deus continue abençoando, 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 continue sendo luz, beijos.💋💋💋💋💋💋💋