Kids Meet a Suicide Survivor | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids

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To learn more about suicide prevention please check out the following resources:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call: 1-800-273-8255 Text: 741-741
List of International Suicide Prevention Hotlines

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Kids Meet a Suicide Survivor | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids

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30 Comentários

  1. I feel like those kids are too young to know stuff like that. I’m suicidal everyday but I would never want them to know about that as they’re still young

  2. Why expose that subject to children, let them grow pure and isolated from social media and social rejects.

  3. This is huge wish I could have talked my grandfather out of this but he's long gone you don't get a second do over he left many years on the table

  4. The worst thing is that don't want any help from grown ups or anyone in that matter because this is a life and death situation.

  5. People say suicide is selfish but when you’re a suicidal person you feel like others are selfish for expecting you to live in pain 24/7 just so you can see them as little as you do,

  6. The right to die should be easy available for anyone that wants to stop existing. People usually can not or dont do a good enough job when attempting to die. I think there should be death clinics so when a person pussy's out or cant follow threw , A nurse or doctor can load you up with a dose of forever sleep ( medicine)… in a better world some of us can only dream of such goodness. Enjoy your pathetic life snd self whomever you may be.

  7. everyday I still remember my attempts and they always stay in the back of my mind, although I’ve gotten better and got through it, I still have my days and thoughts of what if I would’ve succeeded that one day

  8. I want to give him a hug so bad I feel so bad, him crying is so hard, from a 12 year old girl who suffered with that, I understand, and it hurts to see, someone else go through it,

  9. I am suicidal too so i can totally relate to him and i also self harm and i have a psychiatrist who i’m seeing well not currently cause i’m feeling better now

  10. This is pretty silly game because they did not go through with it. Im not saying suicide prevention is bad at all people who actually need help best get it but what blows my mind is how this guy is getting fame because of something selfish he tried to do everyone goes through this moment one way or another I did but I don’t think people should feel sorry because you can’t hack it at life the best pat on your back isn’t to feel sorry for these kinds of people it’s to motivate them by telling them life is tough and finding a way to climb the obstacles.

  11. the best treatment is to find Jesus and repent of your sins and turn to him for love and support and then family members

  12. I wish people cared more about suicide and depression because I suffer from depression and anxiety and ADHD and I reached out so many times and people just ignore me and I been bullied my whole life and struggle to fit in even to this day and the worst thing about depression is it hits really hard when you alone I just wish I mattered but ig suicide is the answer Atleast with me

  13. I've been close to a suicide attempt. Had a noose tied to my curtains with an extension cord.
    I am very glad it has failed because I had found out I had just been a little delusional and controlled over myself because of my depression.
    I've struggled with self harm since I was in the 5th grade. Please reach out for help if you are self harming, suicidal or anything similar. I would not like for anyone to go down the same path I did or any others who had loved ones pass away. I have a girlfriend who has struggled with many things too and it was a bit of a struggle to finally convince them to reach for help and it was totally worth it. So by any means, reach out.

  14. I was 10 when my brother died….most likely suicide, that day is one of the most vivid days of my life, I remember the dust in the morning sunlight. I live with ocd suicidiality, I think about it all the time. it is so fucking painful.

  15. There just seems to be a better way to expose children to suicidal thoughts than threw the the mind of the person that justified the action of suicide twice. A professional psychiatrist may be a better place to start.

  16. When the little boy said that if he saw someone who was depressed he would say “you can meet some of my friends” I started crying real tears 🥹 he is so sweet