Marjo Impoésie 🇨🇦

* O link do vídeo está no final desse post.

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On garde toujours son cœur serré, on vit sa vie comme un rêve étouffé
Un regard noir perçant et portant le deuil, ayant l’air de dire j’manque de respire
Énigmatique et hermétique, personne ne peut nous délivrer
On vit sa vie, impoésie
On vit sa vie sans savoir la regarder
Ou ensorcelée
Abandonnée dans un coin désert d’une illusion
Je l’ai vue se d’mander
J’ai jamais vu quelqu’un avoir autant d’misère
À chercher son air pour rester en vie
Énigmatique et hermétique, personne ne peut me délivrer
Je vis ma vie, impoésie
Je vis ma vie sans savoir la respirer
Où aller
Où aller
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5 Comentários

  1. yet more incredible music from you danny, if you had a live 2 hour radio or you tube show playing tracks monday to friday i would listen ,i could not help thinking that marjo looks like the actress christina applegate from married with children in the photo

  2. Danny, love Marjo and this beautiful song. Has a warm magic spark of harmonies & melodies and a striking spark of vocals. When we live our lives in a mysterious manner, we keep ourselves trapped in our dreams and it will impose us from living out our lives to the fullest!

  3. Beautiful song sick awesome brother loved her music she’s awesome very awesome German song Canadian rules for you Danny 🤘

  4. Excellent Stuff Brother, Always Loved Marjo And All The Legendary Music She Has Done. You Might Be Surprised That I Know Of Her??? I’m A Music Geek Brother Lol 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻