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Meet Grace, the healthcare robot COVID-19 created | Celebrity Humanoid Robot Sophia | Robot Nurse

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The Hong Kong team behind celebrity humanoid robot Sophia is launching a new prototype, Grace, targeted at the healthcare market and designed to interact with the elderly and those isolated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

#RobotGrace #RobotSophia #HumanoidRobot

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43 Comentários

  1. What Asian features are those? She looks much more European to me. She is certainly not Chinese looking. We are beginning the struggle between AI and spirituality.

  2. 4,000 plus likes… That's scary. Those people who like this has no idea that they will replace to. "Sorry Dave. No more work for you. Go back home."

  3. if they progress as fast as computers phones etc i can see these being quite impessive in 20 years early days here

  4. The USA pretends to be China's enemy, but they actually work together on plans (AI and COVID) to control future generations,

  5. Cold, uncaring, and with only a very limited knowledge of medicine? Yeah, that sounds exactly like the average nurse or doctor in America.

  6. The doctors and nurses who are killing off the population for money.. you ain’t safe either 😂😂 they replacing you too!

  7. that thing is so creepy. imagine dying in a hospital and the only other thing in the room with you is a soulless robot recording everything you do and say without your permission.

  8. What a sh*tty robot. It looks like garbage thrown together. It doesnt even have actual AI.. it takes your temperature.. wow amazing. Why is this bizarre, sh*t company being propped up by US media? They dont do anything, they "robots" are a step above those real-sex dolls… or step below, because atleast sex dolls serve a purpose.

  9. If Grace or Sophia twiddled their diddles, it would be much more helpful than speaking multiple languages…lol Will she come in dominatrix or school girl outfits? We already have a society where we deliberately isolate ourselves from human contact (texting, video chatting…) so why shouldn't we turn this loose on seniors, who have no familiarity with the system?

  10. This is an awful idea. It’s 2022….her voice sounds like the Apple Macintosh Number Maze game from 1992

    Also I think this scientist is grossly overestimating how lifelike that tin bucket is.

  11. They are not addressing the ethical issues of AI, and safeguards.
    Cylon wars is not a sci-fi scenario we want to see the fi removed from.

    Not to mention that I'd rather have medical support from a sociopath than a creepy toaster.

  12. I don't know why yall hating. Half yall don't even see yalls family in hospital or nursing home. This is just Irobot. Will smiths great great great grandson is gonna save the world so don't worry

  13. Scare the crap out of our elderly family members- what a great idea you sick & sad existence of scientist who actually think that robots are anything but cold machines.

  14. This is complete insanity! Humans will not accept a robot as a companion! Bring in some dogs, they are biological at least. America will never accept our healthcare workers to be replaced by machines.

  15. No one wants robots for ANYTHING but the sick satantic elites. NO way just like we say no way to covid shots lol it's a GENOCIDE

  16. If i ever wake up in a hospital with that stupid robot taking my measurments i'll throw it in a wall and i'll burn that hospital bill 🖕🏻

    Btw hanson, find a hole and stay in it.

  17. I bet they will have one robot in each home and after a while update the robot server with ai learning and implement mora and more robot. Fantastic job👍