
Novo! Is the mechanism a true story 2023? | the mechanism netflix

Based on not only a true story but an ongoing corruption case that is still rattling the country (and based on the book Lava Jato by Vladimir Netto that documented the scandal), the series is written by Elena Soarez and Sofia Maldonado and directed by Padilha, Marcos Prada and Felipe Prado.

Is the Mechanism worth watching?

It’s an entertaining watch. It will be interesting to see how The Mechanism grows in future episodes, especially knowing that there’s so much corruption and intrigue to get to before the eight episodes are told.

Why is it called Operation car wash?

The investigation is called “Operation Car Wash” because it was first uncovered at a car wash in Brasília.

Who is the mechanism based on?

“He started smuggling goods,” the character explains in the trailer, “but made a name for himself with money laundering.” He’s almost certainly based on Alberto Youssef, one of the principal players in the whole scandal. When The Mechanism calls lavo jato the “biggest corruption scandal” ever, they mean it.

Where is the mechanism set?

The Mechanism isn’t didactic or overtly political. Its mood is, rather, angry and melancholy, as it tells a David versus Goliath story about ordinary federal police officers in the southern city of Curitiba, Brazil, who want to take down a corrupt political and business establishment.

How corrupt is Brazil?

Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index ranks the country 79th place out of 176 countries.

How much did the US Department of Justice fine Odebrecht?

A U.S. federal judge this week ordered Odebrecht to pay $2.6 billion in fines for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, securing a plea deal reached last year with authorities in the United States, Brazil, and Switzerland.

When did Petrobras go public?

All of Brazil cheered when CEO José Sergio Gabrielli rang the bell at the Sao Paulo exchange on September 23, 2010[10], and Petrobras’ shares began to trade simultaneously on the NYSE.


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