OnlyFans Logic

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This video describe the two sides of modeling on onlyfans. There are models who can earns enought to retire before 30s, on the other hand, a lot of females are deceived by a quick easy profit. They are willing to give out their privacy without earning nothing in return.

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44 Comentários

  1. i really feel bad for them i know they get money for that but i wish they could find a better way

  2. To be fair, his wife also made very risky decision to marry guy with such past. Maybe it was his ex decision to go with OF, but he was there with her supporting. He's no better, but wife probably doesn't know… so the past, and bad decisions can yet hit hard

  3. Screw OnlyFans, it is pure degeneracy. Same goes with porn.
    Both things are horrible, they worsen your mental health, reduce or even completely destroy the ability to be happy about little things due to messing up your dopamine receptors. It is a waste of time and money.
    There are lot of better things do to: exercising, reading books, socializing, working on developing a new skill, praying to Jesus.
    Yes, I have completely zero respect for people creating content on OF. Problems?

  4. 23:23 Hermosa elección SEXMAXING.Uno

    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

    10:10 Hopi:


    11:12 Sun:


    00:18 Joonie:


    18:00 Yoongy:


    23:23 Son unos de los mejores conciertos

    mañas no se la

    Las elecciones cinematográficas y artísticas son brillantes. Referencias culturales europeas realmente interesantes. Ojalá la cultura europea se representara más a menudo tan bellamente. No puedo dejar de decir "oh, esto es hermoso" a lo largo del video. Luz, en serio… el que se encargue de la iluminación, genial…

  5. Should've made a likeable guy if you're trying to paint the OF girl bad. The guy is awful.

  6. OnlyFans is PATHETIC LMAO! People with self esteem and respect do not participate! 😂🤣😂🤣😂

  7. Is it me or does this guy look like Idubzz or whatever he’s called? (Guy at start forgot to say this)

  8. Am I supposed to think the guy isn't a monster for using her and leaving her? "Convincing" someone isn't an innocent act either. Millenia thinker continues to be fake deep. Meanwhile the sky is blue.

  9. guys who have problems with the fact that their girlfriend can be considered attractive by other people have complexes, if you are so aware of your relationships with her, just don't let her ever go outside and block her on every possible social media, just like in Islam

  10. It is kind of unfair for her because how would she have known that no jobs would accept her? I think it’s kind of fault of society for bastardizing sexual activity and making it perverted instead of something natural that flows with the beauty of life

  11. 3:10 Girls in this situation please don't be sad. I'm a decent looking, nice guy(some people say: I'm an idiot) and I had two girlfriends who were former prostitutes. It turned out that our relationship don't worked but this was in both relationships because of other reasons.

  12. Jesus Christ is coming back and we must repent from our sins, read Romans 10:9 before it's too late once the 7 trumpet blows it's over so please hurry and give your life to God!

  13. Fantasy:
    I don't care what people think about me

    I really DO care what people think about me, because what others think of me can literally help or destroy my life

  14. Hahahaha that's so true. Whole video is pretty much spot on. I really ''love'' how those stupid girls make themselves look like goddesses when they have money and stuff in their prime years and on OF, and then when it's over they try to make everyone guilty of that and never taking that guilt and responsibility themselves.

    This might sound bad, but I really hope that this bad fame of OF will be so big and so bad, so many crushed lives etc that no more new girls will think about destroying their dignity and their lives for some cash.

  15. I'm not sure if it works like that. A girl on onlyfans can make in a year, what a man won't save up his entire life.
    I also don't think a woman like that is rejected by men.
    I personally would never pay anyone on onlyfans but the reality is, that it is much more profitable than regular job and hard work. On The other hand I am not sure if being trashed by bosses in shitty jobs means more dignity than working like this on your own terms. It is a level up prostutition, as the girls don't even need to allow men to touch them. Briliant and distopian capitalism.

  16. I don't know that people understood that video, but it was very sad. The 2 of them were supposed to start with this and on top of that he does say that he felt ashamed… when she says "I'm the one who showed her body" I mean how do you think she feels, bad decisions girls, don't let any man play the game on you life that way.

  17. On a side note, it’s even more degenerate when you have the boyfriends actually encouraging their gfs to do this sh*t and try to act like it’s harmless. Like no. You’re literally pimping your gf out and you’re a piece of sh*t

  18. I kind of disagree with that POV . That woman just wants to take chances with showin her body for views and sheat . I wouldnt want to have her anything more than a colleage and a friend but i wouldnt see her as a person who lacks dignity and stuff . I mean what the flippin freak it has to do with dignity . Tell me . If once you were starving to death and you got to eat the grass in the park does that make you a lowlife undignifed person ? Please snap out of that incell deal …i whole heartedly hate to use that word but thats actually how it seems …

  19. Just want all women like her to realise this will happen to them also.

    "Your looks will die when you are 40" -Hopsin

  20. On onlyfans you're basically just selling your body for money… I finna just call it a body farm

  21. I love this video and how it is portrayed the true reality of being a NFSW model on platforms like OF or fansly user. Too bad some people in the comments are kind of missing the point. Theres nothing wrong w OF in general, but some people including men that are s*x workers have a surreal expectation that if you make your Onlyfans, you'll instantly become rich. It doesnt work like that always. Not many feels comfortable buying subscription to see ur content or is going to do it again. Getting audience and other s*x workers that can help you find new audience is difficult too. (like it shows with the girl with dyed hair).

    Ive seen many feeling frustrated and their self esteem become deteriorated because some models have bigger audience than them and get no support at all like bigger model.

    My respect on these models, most of them work really hard so they can pay stuff as student loans and bills but again its a freelance job!

  22. Man I don’t use onlyfans, but the sex industry is a legitimate business and should be respected. A lot of people degrade those who work in it, like nudity is an awful thing. It’s not.

  23. It really isn't that deep they aren't letting a bunch of people hit they are just getting paid to show of their body

  24. I love the sheer amount of "incel" and "simp" in the comment section. It's a fucked up situation and neither of them made the right choice in the past. The guy should have never even been okay with her having an onlyfans, much less help her create it, and the girl should have never stood in front of the camera. The only moral you need to gain from this story is stay away from that nasty ass sight.

  25. This proves the empowerment of men over women. Like the men have the right to sell and objectify women.
    But the woman herself is dumb here.