OnlyFans Used Bribes To Put Adult Stars On Terror Watchlist according to New Lawsuit, & More News

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00:00 – OnlyFans Accused of Bribing Meta To Shadowban Rival Creators
03:22 – Woman Accused of Using Fake Psychics to Trick Mom Into Giving up $140M in ‘Cursed’ Paintings
05:12 – CEO Shares Crying Selfie After Layoffs
07:40 – Beam
08:34 – Beto O’Rourke Drops F-Bomb After Abbott Supporter Heckles Uvalde Speech
11:04 – Justice Dept. Moves to Unseal Warrant in Trump Search


OnlyFans Accused of Bribing Meta To Shadowban Rival Creators:

Woman Accused of Using Fake Psychics to Trick Mom Into Giving up $140M in ‘Cursed’ Paintings:

Woman Accused of Using Fake Psychics to Trick Mom Into Giving up $140 Million in ‘Cursed’ Paintings

CEO Shares Crying Selfie After Layoffs:

Beto O’Rourke Drops F-Bomb After Abbott Supporter Heckles Uvalde Speech:

Justice Dept. Moves to Unseal Warrant in Trump Search:


House Report Details Threats Against Election Workers Driven by Misinformation:

House Report Details Violent Threats Against Election Workers Driven by Misinformation

Produced by: Cory Ray
Edited by: James Girardier, Maxwell Enright, Julie Goldberg, Christian Meeks
Art Department: Brian Borst, William Crespo
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Maddie Crichton, Lili Stenn, Chris Tolve
Production Team: Emma Leid

#DeFranco #BelleDelphine #LenaThePlug


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43 Comentários

  1. I was fire over leaving a burrito in the microwave during rush hour for lunch and they had a health inspector come in after I left from my shift. While the boss told me I had a resting bitch face for not smiling while not being engaged in conversation. I hope left an hour early from my shift and still got paid my full time. These people are not even at that location anymore and the boss that told me I had a RBF got his ass handing on a silver plater when she switch work locations within the company, he had gotten yelled at by HR for being a jerk to the employee. It was my first job if I would have known HR would have had my back like they did these other employees I would have still worked for that company but I didn’t know. I worked for the gas station on post 6 years ago now.

  2. Nah, I will say, I prefer when representatives call out bs. The man who laughed at the death of children, deserves to be called what he was.

  3. 23:23 Hermosa elección 18kissx.uno
    los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer

    10:10 Hopi:
    11:12 Sun:
    00:18 -Joonie-:
    18:00 Yoongy:
    23:23 Son unos de los mejores conciertos
    mañas no se la

    Las elecciones cinematográficas y artísticas son brillantes. Referencias culturales europeas realmente interesantes. Ojalá la cultura europea se representara más a menudo tan bellamente. No puedo dejar de decir ''oh, esto es hermoso'' a lo largo del video. Luz, en serio… el que se encargue de la iluminación, genia

  4. Republicans have no place to ask democrats to 'stay civil' when they endorsed and elected fucking trump of all people, are you fucking kidding me?

  5. I can happily say I've never been fired before, dunno if that's because of my performance or other reasons but I take a little pride in that. That being said I know it's not someone's fault if they're laid off and just… yikes at some boss trying to make it about them.

  6. I'm glad you asked Phil. When I was 16 I had a boyfriend. His mother owned a catering company that made food for large events (military balls, etc.). She hired me and I began working events with them. After a few months, my boyfriend dumped me, but I wasn't mad at him and we decided to just be professional and still work together and be friends. We were all cordial and this went on for a few more months with no issues. Then, I get a weird text one day from him saying that his mom 'no longer wanted me to work for the company.' Essentially, she fired me THROUGH her son, my ex-boyfriend. It seemed fishy, like why would he be the one to tell me? so I texted her and asked if it was true and if so, what did I do wrong. No response. Essentially the whole family ghosted me except for the ex, who really wouldn't answer any of my questions. It's been years and I'm still salty… I found out a couple years ago though, that she actually did that to several other people from her inner circle. People whom she treated like family at the time. I guess she's just heartless.. Update too: My mom still has her as a friend on FB, and told me that she is essentially begging people to come work for her, LOL. If you are ever wronged, just know that karma is REAL.

  7. "If Donald Trump had a swear jar, there'd probably be enough money in there to pay back all the banks and insurers he defrauded." I think I died here 😂

  8. So… the older I get the more the very concept of curse words seems stupid. Like… I don't know, my work when they introduced MS Teams during the pandemic were talking about putting a profanity filter in there, and blocking emoji and gifs… I lived through 18 years as a child only to be in my mid 30s and still being treated like a child, it's absurd. Curse words were just class warfare nonsense… it's so dumb to me that we're still getting upset about the word fuck.

  9. I can honestly say he wasn’t laughing at the fact that kids got killed in uvalde, it was more aimed towards the theatrics that beto put on by taking a knee as he said “weapons created and used to penetrate and kill an enemy’s helmet in Vietnam”, cause that is the most ABSOLUTELY STUPID thing you could say to fear-monger that crowd of people to get them to side with you over a tragedy Phil. You CANT tell me thats not what he did there.

  10. The addition of the crying selfie just makes the whole post seem way more forced and disingenuous

  11. I got fired Because I didn't check the mail as soon as it was delivered. I guess they expected me to be at the mailbox waiting for the carrier….

  12. I get so tired of people acting like politics requires you to appear polite especially when you're talking about heinous shit. It's so annoying that people can't hear anything beyond the tone of what someone's saying. Someone can talk really politely AND be a piece of shit.

  13. Got fired back in June, 1 week before I moved 2 hours from my home to the city my job was in (because they wanted all the employees to return to on-site work) and they suddenly fired me out of them blue because I "Wasn't a good fit on the new team". Worst part is the conversation started "Oh! How's the new kitten doing? ah that's so sweet! So, we're going to have to let you go." Never been so blindsighted in my life, still stuck in this new apartment that is too expensive in a city I don't want to live in…

  14. He laughed because America did not use AR-15s in Vietnam nor has ANY branch of the U.S. military ever used them in combat at any time. He laughed because Beto told a bold face lie in front of everyone, and most of the civilian population is too stupid to know better. If you don't know why he was laughing, I am laughing at you for being absolutely ignorant. Please ask your local veteran what they think of this clip and I bet they all agree with the guy laughing. It's absolutely absurd people can feel so strongly for something they know nothing about.

  15. If it makes you feel better Phil, I actually subscribed because you are handsome and your voice is magnificent. Stayed for the news but yeah, I am a visual stan

  16. Were gonna knock the shit out of Donbas, motherfucker. (ISIS was basically a break-away state, see what I did there?)

  17. Enterprising people start off with at least semi altruistic behavior, because they don't want to alienate the market.

    Success always equals appalling ethics in action. Trampling over your fellow man for superior mindshare, opportunity, distribution. It would even happen to you. Humans are awful to each other. Prove me wrong.

  18. Typical Beto lying his ass off in front of blue crowd knowing they'll eat that shit up. That's why he changes course depending on where he's campaigning.

  19. I laughed when beto talked too. Right around the same time the guy in the audience laughed. Because beto was talking out of his ass about ar15s and what they were for and capable of. Not the children dying part

  20. So, the moment that the laugh happened is important. I'm not saying they should or should not have laughed, but they were not laughing at the children's death. They laughed at the description of the weapon by Mr. O'Rourke. I don't claim to know whether his description was accurate/correct, but whoever laughed didn't believe so. Context and wording are important.

  21. Honestly Beto O Rourke having such a strong reaction was a good thing. Dude literally laughed at kids dying essentially.

  22. I technically got fired on my day off (lmao) but they didn't bother telling me for 2 days until I was supposed to go in for my shift. I didn't have a car so I walked to and from work. 30 minutes each way. So I walked 30 minutes to get fired. I was more pissed they didn't tell me sooner or didn't give me a call knowing that I walked to work. They tried to hire me back a few years later but I was at a point where I could tell them "you can't afford me." I loved that I could tell them that. Lmao!

  23. I was going to make a joke about how you’ve got pretty eyes. But every way I tried to say it- it just sounded creepy. 😂 so I’ll just say I’m happy you’re feeling good 👍 it’s super hard to keep it going and you’re doing really well.

  24. OK so you’re telling me that one giant corporation is using the Shadowband system/terrorism List to take down another corporation. And the fact that they don’t use this type of a thing to combat misinformation and disinformation violent rhetoric online in their platforms but they use it to go after only fans???? What?

  25. I worked for a company that a day before our Christmas party they called everyone into room and said the party was cancelled and that over half the company was being laid off.

  26. lol, the worst way I was ever fired was my boss walking into my office and asking me to teach her how to run the hourly/daily/weekly/monthly reports that I ran. I knew it was coming because she had fired my previous co-worker/boss only a few weeks earlier and they were complaining that i was 'taking too long' to do his and my job after they fired him…So after I showed her how to run the reports(i was fast and didn't explain everything, esp cuz she was getting annoyed with how long it was taking) I went back into the excel files and changed just a few cells that were hidden, so non of the formulas would work correctly…but they still worked. About 30mins after i finished teaching her how to run these reports, she brought me into an office with like 5 hr ppl, and they fired me. Even though they knew my wife was 4mons pregnant

    after they fired me, I explained to all the HR people, that my boss, didn't know how to do my job, that there was no one in that building, that could do my job, because they fired the only other person who could do that job, and that she has no business being any kind of manager because she is not only legitimately dumb….but she also has zero skill talking to people…and then I shared the fact that each of the 5 ppl in HR have all separately told me they hate working with her…and I looked her right in the face when I said it. and all the HR ppl were looking back and forth to each other like "oh you too?"

    2 weeks later she and the other lady that was the campaign manager for that campaign, were both fired, and the center manager called me and said he'd give me my job back, with a .25 raise…I told him I already found a job that paid 5$ more an hour and told him the only way I'd come back is if they hired me as a campaign manager, they said no. 2 weeks later their campaign contract was terminated and they couldn't find another contract, so about 6mons after that, the whole call center got shut down, and that building is still available for rent like 6 years later.

    all because my boss and the campaign manager thought they were smarter than me and didn't need me… they promoted me at the new job after only a few months, and by the time my wife gave birth, i was making 6$ more an hour than I was making at the previous job, and I qualified for bonus and commission my first year there. so all in all it was like..the best thing that coulda happened…but at the time…..that was some absolute bullshit.

  27. I ask everyone to be civil in their response to my comment. To address the heckler laughing, he wasn't laughing at the fact that children and the teachers were killed, he was laughing at the lack of knowledge of what the AR-15 rifle was described being capable of and its original designed purpose. I know this from the timing of the laugh and the inaccurate information Beto was speaking. Just want to clear that up so people don't get misinformed. Even Philip misunderstood what happened and misinformation isn't always lies told, sometimes it comes from a lack of understanding or misinterpreting the information presented.