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Options Day Trade Review | 8% Gain on GOOGL Put | Boost Your Income Now w/ Proven Tools & Techniques

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Holding onto trades too long, especially when they keep losing more and more of your money? Having trouble getting consistent success with your trading/investing system – be that stocks, options, crypto, FOREX, or any pother instrument? Do you look at your charts and only see $$$ signs rather than supply and demand?

If you answered yes to any/all of these questions, this video is for you! All you likely need is a mindset adjustment and some better tools. TERRASOARI is your ready-made solution for both! Those factors are easy to discuss and become aware of, but the most important ingredient in moving from trading failure to trading success is the ACTIONS you take. Preparing for your trading time with enough rest, food, hydration – executing your trades in a time and space that are free from distractions – and then maintaining that laser focus on logging your trades so you can eliminate bad habits and reinforce helpful ones.

Keep it simple – see your trading as a perpetual series of “Go vs No-Go” decisions. The bad news is that it only takes ONE instance of Greed, or Hope, or Fear hijacking your brain to get you into the wrong trade, so it’s really easy for you to mess up. The good news, however, is that if you can stay focused and disciplined (and usually that means more “No-Go” decisions than “Go” decisions), you can grow your trading account on the vast majority of your trades. String together enough small profits, combined with the awesome power of compound interest, and you’ve got WEALTH VELOCITY on your hands!

In this trade review, Rob begins by walking you through the shiny new tool set the TERRASOARI community uses to intelligently manage its risk: the Z-Band! It makes it unbelievably simple to recognize the bull and bear trends that will fit your risk tolerance. Rob gives an overview of how most of the market surged upward from opening bell at 9:30 ET to 10:00 ET. After that 1st 30 min of trading was over, the market turned bearish rapidly! The SPY, DIA, IWM, and QQQ ETFs all dropped off a red cliff, and the Terrasoari tools highlighted GOOGL as the leader of the pack. Rob pounced and bought a naked put once GOOGL broke to a new low for the morning. 69 seconds later, he exited with a 7.9% gain. This is a demonstration of how simple it becomes to make a great profit in a short amount of time with the right tools, right education, and deliberate practice! You can do this too, you just have to get started right!

Some trading specifics Rob covers for you in this tradisode: How to maximize your advantage of having high-powered indicators and signals – don’t piss it away by straying from your proven rules; How to avoid emotional hijacking by monitoring your indicators – not staring at the dollars in your trading account; identifying GREED when it rears its ugly head and not letting it influence your trading by taking frequent breaks and breathing deeply; market support, options pricing, and getting into only fresh trends to mitigate your risk of taking a loss. Happy Trading!


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