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Programming for Robotics (ROS) Course 1

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The slides are available here:

The recording of this course is part of the Programming for Robotics (ROS) Lecture at ETH Zurich:

Péter Fankhauser, Dominic Jud, Martin Wermelinger

Course 1 covers following topics:
– ROS architecture & philosophy
– ROS master, nodes, and topics
– Console commands
– Catkin workspace and build system
– Launch-files
– Gazebo simulator

About the course:
This course gives an introduction to the Robot Operating System (ROS) including many of the available tools that are commonly used in robotics. With the help of different examples, the course should provide a good starting point for students to work with robots. They learn how to create software including simulation, to interface sensors and actuators, and to integrate control algorithms.

– ROS architecture: Master, nodes, topics, messages, services, parameters and actions
– Console commands: Navigating and analyzing the ROS system and the catkin workspace
– Creating ROS packages: Structure, launch-files, and best practices
– ROS C++ client library (roscpp): Creating your own ROS C++ programs
– Simulating with ROS: Gazebo simulator, robot models (URDF) and simulation environments (SDF)
– Working with visualizations (RViz) and user interface tools (rqt)
– Inside ROS: TF transformation system, time, bags

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44 Comentários

  1. when i try launch the smb_gazebo package from the given exercise, it throws this error:
    when instantiating macro: LIDAR …………..
    anybody have any idea whats going on?

  2. Very nice to know in a light way what Robot Operating Stystems is. I reccomend this video to everyone who has time, a little patiance and most impportant, interest in learning the subjetc with you are propably about to start working.
    Nice job ! Congrats !

  3. I have been struggling ROS since last couple of weeks. Everybody starts with installing and then some example also they have a title that it's for beginners 🙁

    This the only session I have ended up is exactly for one who is really a beginner. After watching first half of the video I could connect dots.

    Thanks to the whole team 🙂

  4. This lecture series looks really good, but is it still relevant? I'm using the ROS Melodic build, which is later than Indigo. I assume that the majority of the stuff is the same, especially since in the ROS wiki tutorials it essentially says "yeah just replace the build in the file path with whatever build you have" so that tells me they're all similar. I just want to make sure though.

  5. Guys can someone tell me why ROS exists? I mean why it is needed. I am a mechanical engineer, but I need a real case to understand and get it clear in my mind. Can someone make an analogy to describe the ROS and its requirements for the robotics? What was the problem in the past so that they have created ROS? Thanks in advance

  6. Hi Robotic Systems Lab, I have downloaded the Ubuntu_ROS_course virtual disk and used it on VMware, it runs fine, however, I have a little problem with the keyboard layout. For example, when I press the Z button it becomes Y and vice versa, I think it because this is Germany layout right? How could I change to US layout? Thanks for sharing the course

  7. What does it mean when you rosrun your package and the node but it produces Segmentation fault (core dumped)

  8. is it necessary to learn first the foundations e.g. kinematics, before learning ROS? Thanks a lot.

  9. Brilliant prelude to my Robotic technicians course online at University of Houston in collaboration with George Brown college ,Ontario. Thank you Prof.Alberto Ezquerro.

  10. Help me out please?
    in this video 33:25 , I entered "roslaunch ros_package_template ros_package_template.launch" but got ERROR: cannot launch node of type [ros_package_template/ros_package_template]: can't locate node [ros_package_template] in package [ros_package_template]
    Thank you in advance