Redhead Rag by Irene Franklin and Burt Green (1910)

* O link do vídeo está no final desse post.

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Original listing and sheet music here: https://musescore.com/user/36482158/scores/8199188?from=youtube_share
Written by the actress, singer and composer Irene Franklin in collaboration with her husband Burt Green, this is the ragtime version of a popular 1908 song which she herself sang, “Red Head”. Published by Leo Feist in New York City in 1910. Nora Hulse, in her CD “Ragtime Refreshments”, certainly chose some good selections all written by women. Of the 25 scores, this is the fifteenth I’ve featured in this series. (Thank you to JohnJ1995 for the CD info).

Score #137 in my current ongoing series “Women Ragtime Composers” featuring interesting scores all written by ragtime era women. Many more will be forthcoming. Entire series is now on YouTube at this link:

Original score source was from York University at this link:

This is a reproduction of the original score, no changes were made.


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2 Comentários

  1. The New Orleans ragtime and jazz clarinetist Tony Parenti actually recorded this as part of a set of pieces with piano and drums. The set was rereleased in the early aughts as part of an album entitled “The Ragpickers” that I have in my collection. Of the pieces that he recorded that happen to be rare, this one is by far my favorite, and for a while I couldn’t articulate why. Now I know: The B strain tonicizes all 12 major keys. No other rag that I know does that. Even Euphonic Sounds limits itself to max five tonal centers per strain.