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Robo-Air Jet System Makes Objects Float

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Automated Manipulation of Spherical Objects
in Three Dimensions Using a Gimbaled Air Jet. Developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Video presented at IROS 2009. For more robot news, visit

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33 Comentários

  1. Amazing! and with this technology i think that is possible to manipulate the football soccer. lol

  2. Why are people arguing over ICBM tech? Seems kind of like two people arguing over which anvil hanging over their head is heavier.

  3. holy crap this is so alien tech! i've never done this in physics class with a hair-drier before. what comes next, a mystical box that can draw pictures of the world on paper by itself? i feel like living in the future!

  4. @AntDX316 if the air is beeing blown out by a nuclear explosion, then it could have… even though who needs nuclear missiles. I got a better idea how about launching an invisible nuclear warhead with a magnet rail system?

  5. @AntDX316 stealth nuclear missile launching, since missiles with fuel are detectable by missle warning systems?