Rodrigo -Roddy- Alves 6 days after her Facial Feminization Surgery!

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6 days after her biggest, most important surgery yet, Roddy talks about how she feels and what her recovery has been like. For more information regarding the surgery, e-mail us at [email protected] or visit 2pass.clinic/r/2passfacialfeminization


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49 Comentários

  1. If altering your body makes you truly happy, good for you! Just be sure, you’re really happy.

  2. This idiot is a FREAK!,….He looks like Trumps ugly cat faced wife Melania now!,….I cant believe one person could be so involved with fake looks that they would go through so much shit to still come out looking like shit!……She can say what ever she wants but she likes all the attention she gets and she is still alone and she in old!…..She is older now and her body will not be as kind to her as it use to be,….mark my words,…all this abuse she has done to herself will in fact turn on her and we will read about her being dead!……Doctors warned her about too many nose jobs but she still went and had more,….Her eyes are what makes her look so Demonic and Satanic!………She cant even stand the eye color that she was born with and she expects the rest of us to look at all this fake crap and like what we see?….Are you kidding us?….We see a Freak ans she thinks that she looks beautiful but notice that she does not have LOVE in her life at all!….She is a deformity of human nature and I for one am so tired of seeing those fake contacts in her eyes and that fake body altogether!………But more importantly is that young boys who have money are trying the same procedures and 12 boys around the world so far, have had fatal side effects and died !…..She tries to make people believe that its just as simple as coloring your hair with no problems and these poor boys believed her…..I wouldnt want that guilt!…….these young boys would not have died if she wouldnt have wanted the publicity so much and just stayed out of the media instead of wanting to get booked on tv shows to show off!…….but she is still all alone and cant love anybody and nobody can fall in love with a rubber doll!…..and so thats what makes her/him a FREAK!……..

  3. This cash cow for surgeons need mental health help but I fear the plastic, lifts, tucks, chop-offs and the like will leave this man/woman dead within a few short years because HIS MENTAL HEALTH IS BEING EXPLOITED BY GREEDY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS.

  4. Roddy você esta simplesmente divina..Sua luz esta maior transparece sua beleza..he vi no programa do Danilo Gentile…Realmente agora se encontrou uma alma feminina não pode ficar presa em um corpo masculino.PARABENS pela coragem seja feliz

  5. Roddy, vc é um ser humano incrível, corajosa, inteligentíssima e quero sempre te acompanhar, confesso q tinha outra opinião sobre vc e vendo suas entrevistas no Danilo Gentili e Super Pop, passei a te admirar, vc é extremamente educada e elegante, seja como homem ou mulher, desejo q seja sempre FELIZ!

  6. Not going to lie, I've always been unhappy with my boob size (grown woman with a 12 year old boy's chest) and always toyed with the idea of implants and maybe a jaw reshape…but after binging on all her videos, I'm out of it…this looks like it would take over your life.

  7. Никто ему не может сказать из друзей,родных и знакомых,что он не Кен,что он не кукла,что он уебище лесное?Как можно ему врать в глаза и говорить что он охуительно красив?Он пугало и посмешище,тратящее чужие деньги,которые кто то,кто оставил ему их в наследство,зарабатывал потом и кровью,а это страшная муйня их спустила в никуда.

  8. Imagine the guy who will fell in love with her (rodrigo) , and they will go to the candle light dinner, hold each other hands and being shy and all. That will be sooo romantic. Right guyz ?

  9. This person is mentally ill and is most likely a junky from all the painkillers they ingest yearly from all these ongoing plastic surgeries.

  10. If its part of her Journey good for her. Hope she is happy with the final result.God bless you. Be very patient and careful with the procedures

  11. Alvis instead of wasting money , time and your self to this earthly pleasures, turn to christ and have eternal beauty of everlasting life

  12. Alvis turn to jesus christ , his hand is not shortened to save you , and you will be saved

  13. As a fellow Brazilian I wish the best for you, stop these surgeries if you can darling for the sake of your health, after all it's all that matters, we can't enjoy life without it

  14. I guess as a male he had got nothing left to alter, so, now this transition to female, as this would again provide him with the opportunities to alter his physical features further. He can’t live without this addiction to cosmetic surgery.

  15. Gente parem de julgar ela, imagina que um tratamento de pele já demora 1 semana pra normalizar… Imagina uma cirurgia, e ainda que foi muito agressiva ela vai ficar maravilhosa vocês vão ver daqui 1 mês

  16. SOMEONE! has to start treating this shit as a real bad addiction and even though people Pay the procedures out of their pockets is not always the right decision because they are not thinking about their body wellness, we are living in a disgusting superficial society, if you don’t look good , you aren’t good enough ? WTF? Everyone is equally important WITH A PRETTY FACE OR WITHOUT! I agree with improvements when there is a damage interfering with a daily activity BUT THIS ? this is nuts ! And in occasions life threatening!And it just get to a point in which people ruin their faces and changes the anatomy of the body, in a way that some things cannot work properly anymore because of a bad surgery! This is serious ! Plastic surgeons ONLY CARE ABOUT THE DEPOSIT YOU MAKE THEY WILL NEVER ADVICE YOU TO STOP DOING IT ! how will they survive then? someone has to speak out and try to apply some laws here ! ASAP! Whoever knows Rodrigo Alves and his 70 something surgeries he has done to get to this ridiculous point will understand my concern!

  17. Rodrigo tenho muito vontade de fazer essa cirurgia de feminização me de presente,sou mulher mas tenho traços masculinos te admiro bjs

  18. Im super surprised that those doctors there allow FFS without her being on hrt for 2 yrs…plus most doctors want their patients to have a post op appt…..please trans girls and guys out there….follow what the WPATH recommends……she should have waited