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Should You Invest With Robo Advisors? | Watch This Before You Invest

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In this video, I’ll tell you the pros and cons of using a Robo Advisor, and should you use it to invest or invest yourself instead. Enjoy.

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0:00 – Introduction

1:01 – Pros of using a Robo Advisor
1. Cheaper Investment Management
A financial advisor would cost you 2-3% of your total invested amount. Despite the high fees, it was found out that over the long term, 91% of fund managers underperformed the market.

Then came along the Robo Advisors, which helps you to invest at just a fraction of the cost. It uses the nobel prize winning Modern Portfolio Theory, which uses an investing strategy that has been proven to work, and it gives you the best possible return for a given level of risk.

2. Easy to learn and use
Robo Advisors are super easy to use. You just need to open an account, answer some simple questions, then it will generate a portfolio for you and will automatically do all the investing for you.

3. Gets people started with investing
If you are afraid of investing, using a Robo Advisor is a great way for you to start investing and grow your money.

3:28 – Cons of using a Robo Advisor
1. Lack of control
By using a Robo Advisor, you won’t have control on your investments, for example you can’t add a particular stock to your portfolio. All you can do is choose your risk tolerance and goals.

2. Not learning about investing
By letting someone else invest for you, you are not learning about investing. Important stuff like how to choose a good stock, when you should buy a stock, what kind of stock to avoid. Because if you know these stuff, you will greatly improve your returns.

3. Middleman risk
A Robo Advisor is just a middleman where you give money to it and it helps you to invest. But it has a risk of shutting down. For example a few months ago, Smartly shut down and its users were forced to liquidate their holdings at a potential loss

5:55 – When to use a Robo Advisor
1. You want to get a return on your money, but you are not looking to get rich.
Your portfolio will be super diversified because it contains lots of stocks and bonds. But the more diversified your portfolio is, the more average your returns will be.

2. When you have little money to invest
Robo Advisors charge a fixed percentage fee and some of them do not have any minimum investment amount. You can start invest with even $1 and grow your money.

3. You do not want to manage your investment
If you do not have the time, or do not want to manage your investment, Robo Advisors will help you take care of your investment automatically.

7:39 – When to invest yourself
1. You want to control your investments
Robo Advisors do not allow you to control how you want to invest or what kind of stocks to buy. If you want to customize your portfolio to your investing style, invest yourself instead

2. You want to beat the market
If you do not want a steady growth, you will have to build and manage a portfolio. Just identify the stocks that will do well in the future. For example, I believe that the technology sector will do well because we are relying more and more on tech, then I could just buy into a tech ETF like XLK or IGM.

Check out my video where I talk about these ETF:

3. You want to save on management fees
Even though Robo Advisors are much cheaper than traditional financial advisors, it is still more expensive than investing yourself. By investing yourself, you will save on the average 0.5% management fee. The fees may seem small at the start, but over time they will add up to quite a lot and eat into your investments

9:16 – Conclusion
There’s no right or wrong in choosing what kind of investment you want to use. If you decide to invest yourself, check out all the other investing videos out there or even my videos:

If you decide to use a Robo Advisor, check out Seedly’s website where they compiled all the reviews for Robo Advisors:

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25 Comentários

  1. Hi kelvin, do you know if DBS ETF/ unit trusts recurring invest (monthly) has higher fees than robo advisors?

  2. Thank you Kelvin for the video, love the points you just made, especially if it is somebody who just started out investing, I agree that robo advisor is a great start with low capital and skill requirements. Would be good if you can cover new brokers like Tiger with no management fee where you can just buy into index funds and compare them – would love to hear your insights on this. Btw, i just started a channel on business, startups and finance, would love for you to subscribe as well and offer some tips (:

    Looking forward to your next video

  3. Hey Kelvin, I really like listening to your stories. I’m a S’porean in Japan. Can I ask u what u think of 7201Nissan & 7211Mitsubishi..they have financial blocks but their EV self drive are coming out in July..real cheap but history of good heights, especially 7211..the dreaded Ghosn says bad stuff about 7201 but what do u think?

  4. I like your kind of humor! Very simple and easy content for noobs like me. Keep up the good work!

  5. Good work Kelvin. I nearly did not watch your Robo Advisor video as I am conservative and believed it to be too radical for my comfort zone. In fact I changed my mind after watching your video and doing some research. I found a Robo Advisor that ticked three of my boxes a) understood the importance of gold in a portfolio, b) understood the inflationary consequences of money printing and c) provided a flexible ETF portfolio that allowed me to bias my portfolio to Asian large companies and Asian emerging markets.
    Thanks for your insight I would not have tried this approach otherwise.

  6. Hi Kevin, may I check with u what is the difference in amt between ur total validation (minus initial capital amt) and the unrealised profits and losses on IB? I realised both dont match the amt. Greatly appreciate if u would respond, thanks!

  7. Kevin, I want to start buying dividends stock but I’m still a little scared can u guide me through it ? I already saw your vid and still have some questions is there anyway I can chat with u ?