Suing Your Landlord | OOPS The Podcast 207

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Landlord lawsuit updates, Giulio’s birthday bonanza, when the bartender hits on your girlfriend and getting caught with a fake name.

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Produced by Chris Caso

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9 Comentários

  1. The Smiths song Giulio was singing by the way was "This Charming Man" . Death Cab for Cutie does a great punk rock cover of it too.

  2. Hey Francis, in the state of California you can win the case, but it doesn’t mean that the defendant will pay you LOL. What you can do is settle at court and they have to give you cash in hand / ep.
    Good luck 🍀

  3. I hope your dongski gets held in contempt. Like, in the landlords' hands. Talkin' about a court-ordered Handy-J. They'll be sprinting toward a laundromat to remove all the adjudication stains. Good luck, dude!