What are Hadith? With Prof Jonathan Brown

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Recommended reading: Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World by Jonathan A.C. Brown: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hadith-Muhammads-Legacy-Medieval-Foundations/dp/1786073072/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3QR6U8HOPEMYE&keywords=hadith+brown&qid=1645199981&sprefix=hadith%2520brown%2Caps%2C71&sr=8-1
Blind Spots: The Origins of the Western Method of Critiquing Hadith by Dr. Jonathan Brown: https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/blind-spots-the-origins-of-the-western-method-of-critiquing-hadith

0:00 – Introduction
0:16 – Background of the guest
1:07 – What are the Hadith?
2:09 – What’s the Sunnah of Muhammad ﷺ?
4:53 – Relationship between the Hadith & Sunnah
9:29 – Role of the Hadith in Shariah
12:38 – Role of the Companions in the Shariah
13:40 – How did Muslim scholars detect Forgeries in the Hadith? (History of collecting the Hadith)
22:56 – Approach of the Mutazilites to the Hadith
25:02 – The Sunni Approach to the Hadith & their criticism of the previous approaches
33:12 – Method of the Testing the Reliability of the Hadith by the Sunnis & the guest’s work
36:28 – Significance of the Sahifa & the history of writing of the Hadith
47:31 – Reconciling of the Forgeries in the Hadith by the Scholars & the accuracy of their works
49:18 – Hadiths that seem problematic to some Muslims
51:43 – Western Historical-Critical Method vs the Hadith Sciences & issues with the approach of Western scholars to Islam
1:07:01 – Book Recommendations, Closing Statements & Wrapping Up

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27 Comentários

  1. Timestamps:
    0:00 – Introduction
    0:16 – Background of the guest
    1:07 – What are the Hadith?
    2:09 – What's the Sunnah of Muhammad ﷺ?
    4:53 – Relationship between the Hadith & Sunnah
    9:29 – Role of the Hadith in Shariah
    12:38 – Role of the Companions in the Shariah
    13:40 – How did Muslim scholars detect Forgeries in the Hadith? (History of collecting the Hadith)
    22:56 – Approach of the Mutazilites to the Hadith
    25:02 – The Sunni Approach to the Hadith & their criticism of the previous approaches
    33:12 – Method of the Testing the Reliability of the Hadith by the Sunnis & the guest's work
    36:28 – Significance of the Sahifa & the history of writing of the Hadith
    47:31 – Reconciling of the Forgeries in the Hadith by the Scholars & the accuracy of their works
    49:18 – Hadiths that seem problematic to some Muslims
    51:43 – Western Historical Critical Method vs the Hadith Sciences & issues with the approach of Western scholars to Islam
    1:07:01 – Book Recommendations, Closing Statements & Wrapping Up

  2. Very interesting interview. Excellent guest, thank you Paul.
    My comment: when it comes to looking at legislative approach by close companions such as Caliph Umar, one should keep in mind the following
    1. These were first generation Muslims who saw and heard the prophet's conduct.
    2. They had mastery of the Arabic language and understood the Quran directly.
    3. There is a clear authentic direction from the prophet to follow their sunnah. The "rashidoon" or righteous Caliphs are the first five which include (1) Abu Bakr (2) Umar (3) Uthman (4) Ali (5) Al-Hassan Bin Ali who was Caliph for 6 months approximately to complete the 30 years (identified in another narration.)
    The authentic narration follows:
    عن العرباض بن سارية رضي الله عنه، قال: صلى بنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الصبح ذات يوم، ثم أقبل علينا، فوعظنا موعظة بليغة، ذرفت منها العيون، ووجلت منها القلوب، فقال قائل: يا رسول الله، كأن هذه موعظة مودع، فأوصنا، فقال: «أُوصِيكُمْ بِتَقْوَى اللَّهِ، وَالسَّمْعِ وَالطَّاعَةِ، وَإِنْ كَانَ عَبْدًا حَبَشِيًّا، فَإِنَّهُ مَنْ يَعِشْ مِنْكُمْ بَعْدِي فَسَيَرَى اخْتِلَافًا كَثِيرًا، فَعَلَيْكُمْ بِسُنَّتِي وَسُنَّةِ الْخُلَفَاءِ الرَّاشِدِينَ الْمَهْدِيِّينَ، تَمَسَّكُوا بِهَا، وَعَضُّوا عَلَيْهَا بِالنَّوَاجِذِ، وَإِيَّاكُمْ وَمُحْدَثَاتِ الْأُمُورِ، فَإِنَّ كُلَّ مُحْدَثَةٍ بِدْعَةٌ، وَكُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلَالَةٌ».
    صحيح بطرقه.
    أخرجه أحمد (17145)، وأبو داود (4607)، وابن أبي عاصم في «السنة» (32) و(57) و(1040)، ومحمد بن نصر في «السنة» (70)، وابن حبان في «صحيحه» (5)، وفي «الثقات» (1/ 4)، وفي «المجروحين» (1/ 18)، والآجري في «الأربعين حديثًا» (8)، والطبراني في «مسند الشاميين» (438)، والآجري في «الشريعة» (86) و(87)، وابن بطة في «الإبانة الكبرى» (142)، والحاكم (332)، وتمام في «فوائده» (355)، وأبو نعيم في «الحلية» (10/ 114)، وابن بشران في «أماليه» (56)، وأبو عمرو الداني في « السنن الواردة في الفتن» (123)، والبيهقي في «المدخل إلى السنن الكبير» (50)، وابن عبد البر «التمهيد» (21/ 278)، وفي «جامع بيان العلم» (2311)، وابن عساكر في «تاريخه» (40/ 179)، والمزي في «التهذيب» (5/ 473)، وابن حجر في «موافقة الخبر الخبر» (1/ 136)،
    (15:20) I do appreciate that Dr. Jonathan mentioned that the "spirit of the Law" approach can get out of hand especially when we are far removed in time from the days of the prophet and the first generation of companions.

  3. Seriously Mr. Paul . . .though I enjoyed your video immensly, I have to warn you . .your mustache . . .from certain angles looks . . .very . . . Achtung!!!

  4. HadithS. One hadith. But in plural it's always hadiths. It's the actions and sayings of the Prophet pbuh. It interprets the Quran. Thank you.

  5. Subhanallah – may Allah shower the two of you with Blessings for your tireless work & sharing your wisdom with us. Ameen

  6. I am from Oman and i am so happy to see another scoler in Islam Hadith though i go to my great grand father Al imam Zaid bin Ali MUSNAD . My english is not that good , where i am determind to get his books through Amazoon insha Allah .What i would like to request my brother PAUL william is to make another intrview to our scoler Dr. Jomathan , where i think it woulld be more educational . Many many thanks to this channel and our brother Paul .

  7. Fake islam sharia law’s by HUMEN written,and Sunah belongs to firqa every Fiqa has their own sunnah and going against the Quran and Hadith are going against the Quran too ,We Muslim are hypocrites followers of Aslaf,Imam

  8. It would be very interesting to hear from the shia view on Hadith from an academic perspective because one always hears fantastic story’s about them (like speaking donkeys or earth destroying sword swings etc.)

  9. It's such a wonderful thing to watch such intelligent people have become the representatives of Islam. Its the guidance to humanity

  10. Dear Paul; AOA Bro; you are doing an amazing and thoughtful work at higher intellectual level. Jaza ka Allah Khyran for sharing Bro. Here is list of few scholars to discuss various fascinating topics in future slowly but surely…1. Hamza Yusuf, Zaytuna college, California, USA 2. Abdul Nasir Janda, Qalam institute, Dallas, TX, USA 3. Wisam Sharieff, Dallas, TX , USA 4. Yasir Qadhi, Dallas, TX, USA. Would be nice to connect with these scholars and prominent figures to discuss various interesting topics. We are enjoying your inspiring discussions so much. Keep up these wonderful works dear Bro Paul…..

  11. Brother Paul, This Jonathan Brown is an IMPOSTOR, just like Omar Sulaiman and the whole Yaqeen Institute.
    They are promoting Hom-Tra.. you know what.
    ALLAH (swt) said:
    (Follow what has been revealed to you from your God and do not follow below than Him any superiors. Little do you remember.) Qur'an 7:3
    Do you need a scholar to understand that?!
    Hadith = Shirk

  12. Paul, is it you that's deleting my messages where I exposed this Jonathan brown who has openly come out and said he supports l*g*b*t rights to marry?

    This Jonathan guy is deceitful and a fitnah! Do research on background of your guests before you bring them on Paul, unless you too support l*g*b*t rights?

    Plse watch him say how he supports them:


  13. I think Hadith schoolers try to get rid of fake Hadiths but still many fake ones ended up in the Bukhari and Muslim collection those Hadiths who contradict the Quran and those who put on negative light the prophet the scholars need to get rid many of them. By the way there is no sahiih Hadiths there are sound Hadiths.

  14. "I fully support the right of people to insult the Prophet in the United States because I think that's the best regime for human happiness. Other questions!" -Jonathan Brown

  15. I like see who are dont know enough about hadith but they want to talk about hadith like monkey go in to helicopter and came back to friend want to tell friend what he know about helicopter

  16. If the two of you are so convinced about the truth Islam I challenge you to debate with Christian Prince and refute his understanding of the Qur'an