
Why I stopped mining Electroneum and started mining Monero

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Why I switched from mining Electroneum to Monero. The math… is my switch permanent?

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9 Comentários

  1. Like you, as soon as the ASICS started mining on our pools I started mining other cryptonight coins. Moreover did you notice that a cellphone mining etn will mine as much as a video card right now?

  2. Very smart move if u mine xmr and buy it with etn, if u don't mind me asking how much does ur mining rig set up cost u, and how much is ur electric bill ever since mining? Thanks 🖒

  3. i agree with you and started doing the same thing two weeks ago. i do want the ETN coins, so i just mine XMR and trade it for ETN. so i am techniclly earning over 11000 ETN a week. i will do this for a couple of months then mine XMR and cash it in to pay for more rigs.

  4. Look ETN you are losing GPU miners. their GPU will be on gaming computer after mining done. they are game lovers but ETN mining game is gonna be unfair. I think your boss want to accept ASIC. please choose carefully…

  5. It's more realistic for ETN to get a 50x compared to monero. Long term vision ETN will be more worth it. ETN already hit .22 before and it just released recently last year with barely any product and they're also going for mass adoption, ETN has a better potential growth. That's only like you said if you're not worried about the money now.

  6. Electroneum hasn't reached its market cap peak while monero has so you'll likely hit 50x with electroneum and you'll mine more I don't see why this video makes sense.

  7. Yeah….I agree with your practical considerations. Although I have exclusively mined ETN until now…I am shifting to Monero until they decide to fork.