“You LIED about Demon Mama!” | Debating another Vaush Fan

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Debating another Vaush Fan on the Demon Mama Debate.

“YOU’RE A BAD FAITH DEBATE BRO” | Debating Demon Mama on Mandatory Schooling and Capitalism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5PC-sjDLbI

Was I TOO NICE? | Talking to Hanz of Harkir about the Demon Mama Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFkYu7rc7cM

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Edited by: https://twitter.com/marginidominus
Thumbnails by: https://antyzer.github.io/


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44 Comentários

  1. I am so glad you exist, Rose Wrist. You do so well at these things, and your patience is exemplary. And so thoughtful and mindful, it’s just so good. Thank you.

  2. americentrism is the problem with somnio's arguments. he can't think outside the American system.

  3. “Abolish all lefty Doomers who hold back all progress and present no solution” is probably the most holistic summary of the things I learned here. Big shout out to chatter o_ovod

  4. What a brain dead simp. The debate was good while DM got to speak unchallenged. As soon as her idiocy was called out this guy thought it went down hill. How unfair to quote her own statements back at her. Waste of time.

  5. Thank you so damn much for showing me the kind of person that actually likes DM. I just couldn't imagine the thought process of someone that takes her seriously, and apparently it's just someone exactly like her

  6. "you invalidated the idea" dude i don't agree with the idea of course I dont want it validated lol

  7. Somnios arguments are bad. So most q anonrs are not the lower class, he knows this, he stated most send their kids to private school, but 600 dollars is enough of an incentive also because being in the lower class 600 dollars is a lot. Like bro this is nonsense. And having negative incentives for the parents of children isn't the same as having them for the children or vice versa. Go through the logic here, let's say the 600 dollars works like a charm, it's still on the parents to make the kids do it. How will they do that? Do you think they're going to what? Split the 600 50/50 with their kids? No they're doing to yell at them they're going to take away access to technology, they're going to ground them and in the case of physically or sexually abusive parents, they're going to do more of that. It's like a massive pothead got a random idea and didn't hash things out. Every level of this conversation makes him look so bad.

  8. It's very strange how many people that like demon mama are both naive and like Ben Shapiro. They know what they think doesn't work but don't have a solution to the problem. And, because they can't think of a solution there must be no solution.

  9. Reminds me of debates with nazis where they know they couldn't possibly defend their ideas so instead they want to have a meta conversation on whether they should be allowed to have their ideas

  10. Got to the murder part. I thought this guy was a dumb f*ck before hand. Now I'm convinced he is something far more. His stupidity is warping reality.

  11. Unbelievable. DM couldn't admit that the civil rights act is an example of good policy as a result of democratic will, or that a good leader has authority. This was the one thing she actually did concede to, and someone else comes along to disagree. I can't…

  12. For the sake of saving time, you should have stopped this conversation that failed to go anywhere fast and talking in circles. This person is inebriated and admitted themselves to that, so trying to put them to any standard is cruel and unusual punishment both to the inebriated creature in question and your audience, and most importantly, to yourself. I know that will power is a muscle that requires exercise, but this is nothing but an exercise in futility. I have watched more than an hour of this against my better judgement.

    Best of luck in your future endeavors, Rose Wrist.

  13. Lmao they never answer questions it’s always this long monologue that doesn’t address the questions.

  14. This dude is fucking BASED!
    Poor kids DON'T NEED to get educated, they NEED jobs!
    Fuck yeah!
    Make those iPhones faster you poor piece of shit!
    You deserve this!

  15. Oh my god the pain on your face after he said "I'm very high" after going around in circles on a few simple questions for an hour I felt this in my soul

  16. I am rewatching all of your DM content after the recent painful DM v Vaush debate and so much of this discussion is incredibly punishing. I feel like him bringing up the Heem V Flowers debate was so weird like Heem was so careful and respectful and asked so many questions to make sure he wasn't misrepresenting, it kinda seems like that conversation completely supported your point rather than his… weird chat

  17. This reminds me of the Healthcare debate under trump. Let’s repeal and replace Obama Care, without telling us what you replacing it with. I’m so glad Rose Wrist isn’t a socialists. There ideas aren’t tenable

  18. I'd be very interested in what this person thinks a persuasive argument is. They don't even seem to be able to do the basic claim-> supporting evidence -> conclusion structure.

  19. Oh another vaush moron debate person which actually more resembles internet blood sports then any true debater

  20. This guy is literally braindead. I think you're actually talking just debating a GPT3 bot trained on demonmama transcripts put through a text to speech program lmao.

  21. Rose my guy I love you but if you are honestly trying to mandate parents to not have the option to home you are out of your mind. Very anti freedom.

  22. So, to fix this guy's analogy to make it more applicable:

    He's saying that cutting yourself is intrinsic to using knives because there are systems in place where using knives means people are getting cut. Rose's point is that if we can create a way to use knives that don't cut people, then by definition it is not intrinsic.

  23. As someone who WAS homeschooled in a religious conservative home, this is such bullshit from the DM side.

  24. You can tell he’s a demon mama fan because he says things like “all the studies show…” or “all public educators say this!…” without any proof or even showing one of these “studies”. Demon mama has one teacher message her and she says “all educators will say the same thing!” Kids aren’t getting arrested ALL THE TIME for not going to school