"YOU'RE A BAD FAITH DEBATE BRO" | Debating Demon Mama on Mandatory Schooling and Capitalism

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Debating Demon Mama on Mandatory Schooling, Capitalism, Social Democracy, Policy, and more!

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Thumbnails by: https://antyzer.github.io/


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46 Comentários

  1. Much of DM’s behavior can be explained by the fact that she was once in a Christian cult. She exhibits manipulative & abusive behavior. Reality is not a problem for her because she has her own little mini Anarchist cult. She turns the World on it’s head and calls you a liar when you point it out. I feel there is some self awareness there. She knows what she’s doing.

  2. 1:16:30 – i am dying. "Changing policies would not stop the war because all going wars were justified by the existing policy"
    That's what he meant when he said that we should change them holy fuck.

  3. 1:19:20 Demon Mama accidentally slips up and says “Law”. She’s so condescending that she didn’t realize she made Rose’s point for them. Then she proceeded to change it to “outcome” because she caught herself. She’s just playing word games. I can’t tell if DM is just bad faith or just really stupid.

  4. “There are all kinds of things—“

    “…We need to teach [children]—“

    “Sure. Of course. For example, that fires burn them! But guess what? Those determinations are not universal. Not everybody agrees on what those things are: we don’t even have a semblance of agreement.”

  5. Yes, children absolutely lack long term planning skills, that isn’t developed until your early 20’s. Yes, there are decisions adults must make for kids and force kids to adhere to them. This obviously applies to education, how could you be so sheltered to think that all children will pursue algebra proficiency over playing Minecraft?

  6. I’m really disappointed with the lack of logical consistency in Demon Mama’s arguments.

  7. I'm late to the party on this but should be a fun shitshow to listen to while I play games

  8. – Is this an example of X?
    – Yes, with these caveats.
    – Okay, so we don’t disagree to that degree.
    – No, we do.
    – But you just said…
    – No I didn’t.
    – You just did
    – This argument tactic is so wrong and bad uwu

  9. Every DM debate…whether one on one or on panels…consists of people calling her out for talking over them and monopolizing the speaking time

  10. god , rose seems cool but holy shit i couldn't imagine caring about any of this "debate" shit

  11. A super anarchist socialist who hasn't graduated high school and most likely hasn't had a job ever, who smokes cigarillos of all things, shouldn't talk about politics.

  12. What is the utility of opening a 1-on-1 conversation with "what are your pronouns?", besides showcasing your inability to engage in normal language?

    (It's not like you'll ever address the other with anything other than "you"…)

  13. 1:56:00 Demonmama legit just said maybe there's an upper classman in the room like..I. you don't really mnow the words your using do you? And why respect the authority of a guidance councilor???

  14. Im 54 minutes in an my initial problem with DM is that they aren't giving any actual answers about what they want done. Ok sure maybe making people look at a thing and realise isn't great is good but then you just leave them out to dry. My other issue is it seems they think that if schooling didn't exist, people would still just decide to learn which IMO it is massively unlikely that children will go out of their way to educate themselves over everything else. I know my lazy ass and 99% of the people I knew would not drag them selves up to get a basic education when I could be watching tv or hanging out with my friends (which I likely wouldn't have many of as I would imagine most people make friends at school).

  15. Anarchism according to Anarchist theory:
    "All hierarchy must be justified. Unjustified hierarchy must be abolished."
    Anarchism according to DemomMama:
    "Authority bad."

  16. how do the pronouns he/they work?

    is that “regular” pronouns but you could also use they if you want?

  17. I don't know if DM knows it, but the Civil Rights Act was introduced before the March on Washington. It was not crafted to appease the people on the National Mall that day.

  18. I've listened to a few demon mama debates and she's either young/ sheltered with little life experience or just over estimates her own intelligence, probably both.

  19. Wow really getting into the weed of it. Early on still, but interesting decision by Demon Mama to have people rely on libraries to learn before even being taught to read.

  20. You were so clearly wrong on this and you turned into a c**t when you realised it, instead of learning. You're a joke.

  21. It’s so weird how she starts making a lot of valid points and is clear spoken and then it’s like the flip of a switch and she loses it

  22. DM: 'If you were open-minded you would agree with me'

    Like, no? That's not what that means? The fuck are you talking about? We need to stop pretending that the policy prescriptions we come to as leftists are unquestionable and self-explanatory. They aren't, and we have to do more to defend them than reflexively call the other person close-minded. DM is like the worst kind of Tumblr era SJW.

  23. Rose: we should teach kids to question things, and who to go to in order to learn how to question things.

    DM: So you want kids to blindly obey teachers!?

    Rose: we need to implement some reform, law, or policy saying these changes are legitimate.

    DM: we don't need that!

    Christ…to think I thought she was intelligent..

  24. The calmness of DM at the start is insane. I have never heard her not sound angry, cool shit. Hearing that I can almost understand how people can meet her and be friends. Shame she is such a gaslighting POS.

  25. It is super obvious that she had bad experiences at school and now spends her adulthood bitching about schools. Therapy would be the better way to deal with this.

  26. Demonmama is so impossibly insufferable when she’s wrong. Just can’t answer a simple question. And then she also has weird simps who repeat her “arguments.” So they’re even less connected to reality. Maybe DM actually has some real examples in mind when she says shit like “there are MANY different ways you could do this” but her fans just remember the “argument.” They don’t have those examples to begin with, just the vague notion that there could exist examples. Her flavour of anarchist thought is so theory-brained and disconnected from material reality I can’t get anything valuable from it.

  27. DemonMama thinks there's no difference between 'respect' and 'blind obedience', 1:43:00. What a fucking dunce. Also starts making vague assertions that RW may be racist at 1:50:00 when he objects to the idea that European schooling is as poor as American (it empirically is not)

  28. WHAAAT she thinks the civil rights movement wasn't about policy…??? It conceptualized the Civil Rights Act!

  29. DM: Stop complaining about speaking time and grow a spine.

    15 minutes later

    DM: If you stop interrupting me and let me explain

  30. "This is my show, and you've been asking me questions, this variance in speaking time is a natural progression of that process."

    Yeah, that's the reason DM felt the need to monologue every single time you asked her a question. I'm sure.

    I really haven't noticed how bad faith she is until now, especially with her complaining about it being annoying to her afterwards. Like, sorry you expected her points to be concise, I guess??

  31. This debate is absolutely fascinating. It's almost exactly at the 48 minute mark that DemonMama realises she's accidentally walked into a conversation with someone who is infinitely more intellectually equipped to have this conversation and goes on the attack. She becomes noticeably more angry and aggressive and it only gets worse from there. Anyone who watched this and thinks DM came away from it looking anything other than foolish is beyond saving.

  32. I thank the algo for giving me your content. It's like listening to my own responses to everything DM always says about shit.

  33. I love the battle music in the beginning. 🤣🤣 What is it from? It sounds so familiar.

  34. God damn she's horrible at this. Why is she even on the internet. Her debates are whining mega-cringe BS.

  35. DM always argues about things she has absolutely no idea about. No experience. No knowledge. Only asshole opinions from naive perspectives. It's such extreme naivety it's dumbfounding. I mean, it's very obvious she's never had to take care of any child.