Carl Benjamin – OnlyFans Is Destroying Society

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Watch the full episode here – https://youtu.be/PpqOY04NzaI

Carl Benjamin also known as Sargon of Akkad from the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters explains why OnlyFans is terrible for society. Are family values under attack? Why are OnlyFans girls being threatened? Why can’t men find relationships? How do the Podcast of the Lotus Eaters think OnlyFans contributes to Incels and Red Pill culture?

#carlbenjamin #onlyfans #family

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39 Comentários

  1. The best historical periods were always after the collapse of Babylon/Rome, weeping over the collapse of the hegemony is silly at best

  2. Onlyfans is worse than p***? Really? Why weren't Western folks speaking against porn? When Muslims speak out against it we're called Islamic extremists. This is Western hypocrisy.

  3. There is a huge underlying issue that is the cause, it is a much deeper thing than what is being said in this video

  4. I don’t like when feminism is blamed for how girls are nowadays. These women and young ladies are treated as objects by men and our patriarchal society, so therefore they have decided to monetize their objectification. I don’t think it’s right, of course, it’s very sad. But I was married to a man for 20 years and we used to have romance and I thought he loved me and viewed me as a human being, only for him to become addicted to porn and treat me as an object with zero love or romance left. Unfortunately these ladies learned what I learned. Thank goodness for feminists, because my porn addicted husband also got addicted to drugs and because of feminists, I have a job outside the home and a bank account in my own name and I’m not completely dependent on my drug and porn addicted husband to provide for me. I’m gen x and pushing 50 years old and while I don’t like what’s happening with the next generation of women where they are degrading themselves and selling themselves in that fashion, I’m glad they don’t have to depend on weak men like my mom and grandmas generation. Of course, I wish these young ladies would pursue a career with purpose and meaning, but at least they are making a living on their own.

  5. What is onlyfans ive heard of it for a while i assumed it was like instagram but invite only for high profile internet personalities. But seems like its a porn for losers.

  6. How is only fans a substitute for a intimate relationship? Correct me if I'm wrong, but all only fans us about a person posting content. Mostly sexual. Right? That would not even be close to an intimate relationship.

  7. I also saw a site for sugardaddies. Basically women sign up to date for money and benefits. The women view this so coldly, as a way of making some extra buck. I doubt such women will ever have a normal relationship or marriage.

  8. I continue to be shocked as to why men marry. As long as you don’t marry, you have a lot of optionality and don’t need to give AF.

  9. So lucky my 23yr old son has a very healthy ideas of self. Strong Boomer mom who promotes The Divine Masculine. Morals, Virtue, Honor.
    Divine Feminine share the same values. Beyond physical, ….Respect all, compassion, Love.

  10. I have 3 daughters. I want them to have a marriage and kids like I do. Marriage is wonderful. It's a partnership. Without God and my marriage I couldn't making through life. Life is hard but together my husband and I can make it.

  11. Women sold their souls to the devil as soon as instagram formed. They care about nothing but fame and fortune. They dont want family or kids, just more popularity. Even if she has a good job or business, she wants to be the power role in the house and destroys her man with chaos and runs him off. Many women are dating feminine men also because they want to be in power so they dont date masculine men anymore

  12. That’s why men shouldn’t go for western born women, especially white or black women. Just stay away from me.

  13. Only fans is only destroying those that watch! It is not the whole of Western Society. Have fAITH.

  14. You forgot all the people who claim that men can have babies and that being a woman is just a vibe, and call you a bigot if you question that.

  15. Social media is the evil cousin 🤮🧎🏽‍♀️🤮of pornography and investment of millions of dollars have been invested into both methodical mean🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑SUPERFACTS fEMALES sit and their own vomit🧎🏽‍♀️💩🧎🏽‍♀️🤮🧎🏽‍♀️💩🤮🧎🏽‍♀️🤮🧎🏽‍♀️🤑Brothels 🤑🧎🏽‍♀️🤮🤑🧎🏽‍♀️🤮🤢💩🤮🧎🏽‍♀️💩🤑🧎🏽‍♀️🤮🤮🧎🏽‍♀️🤮🤑whore houses transactional relationships🤮🤮💩🧎🏽‍♀️🤮🤮🧎🏽‍♀️🤮🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

  16. Most women don't identify as feminists, so how is feminist ideology so prevalent? If you're looking for a basis for the commidification of human experience you should look no further than the capitalist system you belive in religiously.

  17. The only people in the world who are not only Onlyfans… Muslims! We hold on to our strong values and never let go.

  18. As a 67-year old, most of the "ills" of societies worldwide originated in the USA. What always amazes me is the people in other countries just lapping up anything "the States" dishes out. Some of the sickest, revolting things you will ever see or hear of, come from the USA.
    Yet, it is the most desired country to visit, and live. People literally die, trying to enter the USA.
    There is no man-made cure for American society !

  19. This seems more like a chat between two people who've formed their opinions of the world around them based solely on what they see on the internet.

    The internet is not real life. Anyone with half a brain cell understands this. This is made apparent by the quality of the comments on this video. I'd be hesitant to agree with either party here, real life is still happening and will continue to happen regardless of what society places importance on.

    Life will continue, babies will be born and eventually form opinions on their surroundings, they'll work to change things in their favour as most people usually do.

    Society isn't going to collapse just because a few women have started selling videos of themselves online.

    Things come in waves and just because it's new territory doesn't mean we should all run away and hide. Imagine if you were a monk in medieval England and your monastery got raided by Vikings. Now that'd be something to cry about.

    Luckily for us the only thing we've to worry about is whether or not we're gonna spend a tenner on a picture of some 18 year olds tits on the internet.

  20. The irony of everything this guy says is freaking hilarious. He's literally crying about women beating men at their own game. Ever hear the phrase, "If you can't beat em, join em?" Well well well after thousands of years of women trying desperately to domesticate men only to get NOWHERE. Is it any wonder they've thrown their hands up and decided to accept the system and nature of men and at least get what little they can out of it? Women are simply holding up a mirror to men and it's crazy to see all of them bItch and moan about it. Maybe you should tell men they F'd up a good thing. Women no longer believe the fairytale that we can trust men with our life, livelihood, body, etc… You can whine on a million podcasts but you can't browbeat women into trusting a system that's harmed us since the dawn of time.

  21. I don’t think only fans is good for anyone, but I don’t think feminism is entirely to blame for this. I’ve dated quite a few guys who seem to expect me to fuck them and feed them all the time and yet they act like I’m asking the world of them to simply go for a walk with me, or go hang out with my friends, or take a weekend trip somewhere. It gets to the point where you realize you aren’t getting anything out of the relationship and you start to feel like you ought to be getting paid for fucking and feeding them all the time. I can honestly understand why some women turn to only fans… and I have many friends who have also experienced this feeling of being used for their body and treated like they don’t mean anything.

  22. How can you list men murdering women in one sentence and blame "leftist ideology" for women seeing men as a threat. Women see men as a potential threat, because THEY ARE ONE. onlyfans has nothing to do with it. Men have been murdering women before it was invented at the same rate. This is what you get when you listen to idiots with Podcasts that have no real knowledge and/or have done any research. Pathetic

  23. I'd like to see more women annoyed about this state of the things between the two sexes.

  24. As a 25 year old the dating market is completely fucked. I feel like I should of been born 60 years ago x

  25. Onlyfans shouldnt be banned as that doesnt solve the problem. The problem is the gigantic amount of young blokes who are willing to give masses of money for an online show. It stems from a generation of kids who are constantly dopamine dripped and unable to pluck up the courage and motivation to learn how to speak to girls and get real sex because it's hard and requires some work. I'd say you have to blame the parents but the technology allowing this is so new that most parents would have had no idea how to handle it (and didnt).

  26. If a guy thinks he’s in a relationship with an onlyfans model he’s got real problems.